1:The Celebration

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"Grab your stuff, loser. We're going out." I say to my friend. It's finally his birthday and we got plans to go out this time. "But it's so late-" I cut him off immediately. "Hush, we're celebrating this time no matter what. Now get your camera gear and get out here." He sighed and closed his door in front of me as he went to go get his gear. I waited patiently until he came back and left his dorm this time. "Why do I need all my recording gear?" He asked in a slightly annoyed tone. "we found an old abandoned warehouse down in the forest and think it could be haunted." I knew that would get his attention. As soon as I said Haunted he immediately perked up. "Alright, fine. It sounds fun. If we get in trouble though, I'm blaming you, Rose." That's fair, I really don't know how dangerous this place is. "Fair enough, Sam." I replied. I started walking to the elevator at the end of the hall. This place always looks so eerie at night but I never really thought much of it. Sam followed closely beside me until we got all the way out of the building where the rest of our friends we're waiting already. As we stepped out of the large university and in to the night around us, we watched as the others were doing stupid stunts. Just waiting for them to notice us. "Oh-! Shit- sorry I didn't know you two were out here already!" Colby said a little embarrassed. "Eh, don't worry about it. It was fun watching you fall off that penny board so many times." I snicker after watching his expression change so quickly. "Hey! I did better than you ever would!" He exclaimed playfully, and he was totally right. I have the WORST balance in the world. "Damn right you did, I can't even stand on one of those things." I reply as a walk towards the other three out their apart from Colby. "What are you three up to?" I say as the three taller figures look at me. "Just talking. What took you too so long?" Remington asked. "Sam was very reluctant to actually come with us. You know how he is about being out at night. Always paranoid about missing the cue to go home." Was the response I gave, when really I actually just stood up there catching up with a friend of mine for about 15 minutes. "Riiight. Anyway, are we all ready?" I nodded in response and waited for the others to respond. They all agreed that we were ready and we headed down to the forest. I had to lead us there because I was the only one who knew the way directly to the warehouse. When we reached the edge of the forest I stopped so we could all get our flashlights out since it was super dark by now. It took us at least 30 minutes to get here and we left around 10 pm. "Alright, let's get in there quickly, we don't want to waste anymore time." I commanded as I lead them through all the rough shrubbery of the forest. Finally, we reached the old warehouse and I looked around for a possible entrance. "I found a way in!" Sam shouted from the other end of the building. We all quickly went over to him and looked at the busted window he had found. "I don't know man, it looks a little dangerous to go in that way." Colby said with a slightly worried tone in his voice. "It'll be fine, we'll just knock the other glass down before going in." Sam replied, not sounding really worried at all. "Well, look who's suddenly rushing." I say as I notice the sudden change in pace in him. He was either excited to record another video, or he was paranoid about being out after curfew. It didn't really matter which one, but I was really hoping he was just excited. I knocked the remaining daggers of glass away from the frame of the window and let the others go in before me. I watched as they went in one by one before I followed them in. "Wooah. This place looks more like an old house than it does a warehouse." Sam was right about that, this place definitely didn't look like a warehouse. "You're right. I guess I was wrong, sorry." I told him while I looked around. "Ah, don't worry about it. No Offense, but this is cooler than a warehouse would be." Sam said. He was totally right, this was way cooler. We continued to explore that abandoned house while filming. Until suddenly we heard that awful chiming that we all recognized. Midnight had hit, and we were no where close to home. All I could say was sorry as I saw that horrified expression on Sam's face.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2023 ⏰

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