Chapter one

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There is no way out now, I am going to die if no one comes to save me, which they won't. Everyone is either caught up in their business or they don't know me. To most people I am just the sixteen year old girl with sun-kissed skin, lips that bring the image of blood mixed with a bright cherry blossom or two. My tan knee high boots were tied to the wooden chair of heavy duty oak. They took off the matching jacket so that I wouldn't burn too badly in the room that scorches your skin as easy as the sun can, that is also why the chair is wooden, metal will heat too quickly. My tan arms were behind my back in a strain with horrible cramps that was caused by the stolen handcuffs they used to strain my delicate tiny wrists. My hot pink tank top was beginning to pay off I thought I was to wear a long sleeve with the winter weather that was strangely occurring in mid-summer. This was the first time I was happy to be wrong. I started to sweat like a polar bear in Hawaii in the hottest time of the year. That is when I realized that my arms were uncovered, with the jacket gone I could freely move my hands, so I started to squirm and wriggle. "I am free!" I happily whispered to myself, I had slipped through the warm cuffs. I started to get up, forgetting about my legs. I then saw that I could easily untie the rope they had instead used on my legs. After I undid the last knot, I was satisfied, and silently I crept over to the door in which I was brought. I opened the door as I would in my own home, only to see that there was a minimum of twelve unlegal officers standing guard. I never knew that I could mean so much to anyone, but I mean a lot to these strange people. The real question was, why, and how was I ever going to escape.

3 DAYS AGOToday is my prom I can't believe that a hideous girl like me could ever find a guy who liked me, and that I liked back. Even my dad went and brought me a silk red dress that went an inch above the knee. It had two layers; one was as red and dark as my lips, the other layer was the silk that was see-through, kind of like a cover, but still a dress in it's own way. We also got my hair done, raven black (my natural hair color) in giant loops. I am for once proud of my looks because I was the image of at least a little beauty for the night, and I am feeling as if I will shine brighter than a thousand stars, I started to sober in my mind over the thought that the night would end, and I would no longer be more beautiful than a muddy pig, even though i always try to be. We are almost home so that I can get ready, I am wondering what color my emerald eyes would be in this event. I am finally ready, the make-up took what felt like hours. It is finally time, I am waiting for my ride to get here when i heard my bratty brother from behind me, and I turned around looking at the boy still in buzz lightyear pajamas frilly, wild , black hair. It was hard to believe that me and the pale skin boy were related at all, "you know that he's playing you, right." he said in his annoying high pitched voice. "No he's not, this one actually likes me unlike those other rotten child like teens." My father never really cared if our feelings were hurt from other dates, he thought it was good that we were learning to toughen through this kind of thing, because it happens too much in this generation. I on the other hand liked to look out for the people that I love. "He's here" said my father with delight caring all through his controlled well mannered voice, this is the kind of good manner that we all loved to see him in. I was finally there and it was just liked I had ever dreamed that it would be, glorious and beautiful. I stopped and looked around at the beautiful decoration, we were late which was not liked I wanted, but I had a hunch that things would happen this way which is why I was not worried about him not showing up. I just went to go check the chart to make sure that there was a slow dance coming up, and there were several of them, this excited me, I shrilled quietly but it was drowned out by the sound of the deafening music. I looked back to the spot in which my guy was standing. He was gone I was about to cry in tears of pain when I saw standing at my side with punch, and I wrapped my skinny arms around him and said thank you to his generosity. We got to the dance floor and danced the night away, literally I think that our dancing was so bad that it scared the night away, it scared away almost everyone who was left in the dance room after a few hours, but that didn't bother us much. I am now at home thinking if we would have started dating if we had kissed, and if he wanted to kiss me, or if my brother was right and this was all a heartless prank on a hopeless girl by heartless boys. "I tossed and turned all night" I said to Justin the guy who was my date. "Why,what has been on your mind?" "Nothing, and I have no idea why, I think it has something to do with my undeniable feelings for you." I think that I have said too much I think. Justin looked straight into my his with his green ones and said "I really do love you I want you to know that I am not like those other players. Can you trust me, because i do trust you" "You are too beautiful not to trust." These were the most beautiful words that these ears have ever heard directed to them. It was a beautiful moment I know that I am not pretty in any way at all, everyone thinks and knows this, but him. I was flattered that his black hair and beautiful bangs with a tan body, this beautiful creature could call my ugliness pretty. I smiled my unique smile, this was the only thing that is pretty about me. I was flattered.The dance is over, I must admit that I have had an amazing time. I was walking back to my house, that's when I saw a black van, it was following me. If you are wondering, the only reason that I am not in the safe warm vehicle that my date has it is because only family is allowed in his limousine. I was trying to walk fast enough to get out of it's way so that it may pass me a head on it's way to wherever it was going, but it just kept on cruising behind me. I started to run, but the car just sped up, I was soon out of breathe and the car stopped at my resting place, they could see the look on my face and knew that I was going to run right as the door opened. So they did not come out.I have walked a few miles, and I could now see my home. I was finally one house down, I started to power walk. That is when I realized that I was being followed by the same car. I stopped and turned around, but I wasn't fast enough to run inside and call my parents. They snatched me and drove away.

PresentI spotted an open window in the far left corner of the large gray, dull room. I was standing there hand on my chin thinking of a way to get up there and free myself from the torcher of the sweltering prison. On the moment that I heard the door open I spotted another open door, that concluded of stairs and air conditioning. I saw that the bullet proof door of silver was slowly making its way toward the other side of the wall. I had to make a run for it, so I ungracefully dashed toward my cool salvation. They came in only to find that there teenage girl whose name they should not yet know was sitting only moments before the thought of her escape."Where is the li'le twerp, she ain't here no more. Boss is gonna have our heads for this." Said the only man there that reminded me of a pirate with his curly red hair that was of a clowns. One eye peeping through the crack in the oak wood door, I watched in terror as on came over in my direction. "Here! Over here I don't think that this door was open last time we came to check on the ugly little brat." He said hi raven black hair falling into his eyes. "Yes it was you bird brain. I swear you have the brain of an ant," with that comment of hatred he boomed a thundering roar of laughter into the ears of the smaller, yet still big compared to me. I saw that one was still coming after the cracked open door. My only instinct was to run. This was a horrible dream that I would soon wake up alarmed to in the morning's glorious sunrise. I would go to school and have a wonderful time with my friends and doing the thing that I love to do most, learn and read. I pinched myself what had to be at the very least ten times but I am still sleeping, my time had also run out the door was swung open, but all I saw was darkness. I found that the goon of my napper was directly under my levitating stomach looking for the me that was above him."Where are you little monster, where are you?" He was right I was the image of what was known of a monster, I am utterly hideous which is yet another reason that no one should ever want to kidnap me. He left me floating there in mid-air. That is when I looked up noticing someone that looked familiar to me. But i couldn't place where I had seen such beauty in the milky skin of the boy holding me up by the gut. "Who are you? why did you save me like that? aren't you one of them? I thought that the most wanted gang only captured girls." I think that the boy started to get annoyed by my on going thoughts and questions."WOULD YOU QUIET DOWN BEFORE SOMEONE HEARS YOU?" He asked hurried and worried. "I'm sorry you don't have to yell", everything hushed after that loud whisper of a voice from heaven was spoken. I got down and ran up the stairs trying to be as quiet as possible. "So, what are you doing here, and how did you escape?"I thought this would surely break the silence or at least suspend it. But the mysterious dream boy had not spoken since the loud harsh whisper that was unleashed upon me at the bottom of the on going stairs. Finally we reached the top, "It should be safe to talk now" said the boy. "My name is Penelope VanHanch, what's yours. Or do I refer to you as boy?"

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