It's been three in half years since Ronin was lived in the protection of Linda, Tulio and Fernando along with his beloved bat family and his best friends the blue spix macaws were all celebrating New Years and they can't wait for Ronin's birthday tomorrow he's turning nine and they all went to throw him the best birthday party ever. It was time to start counting for the ball drop " TEN, NINE, EIGHT, SEVEN, SIX, FIVE, FOUR, THREE, TWO, ONE, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!! Shadow thinks that this year is often to a great start and Doris definitely agrees.
The next day it was Ronin's birthday and Shadow and Doris flew over the city with a Brazil nut that they found for the birthday boy. Fernando was now sixteen years old and he was keeping in eye on the blue bird sanctuary while his parents Linda and Tulio were in the Amazon, he noticed Shadow and Doris flying over him.
Fernando: Good morning Shadow and Doris.
They shrieked good morning to him back and when they arrived to their tree right next to Blu and Jewel's tree while Linda and Tulio's house are right in front of them.
Doris: Hey birthday boy.... look what we found you.
Shadow: Uh, where is the birthday boy........ and the twins?
Shadow and Doris look for their kids and heard Blu's voice in Linda and Tulio's kitchen, the giant fruit bats figured that Blu tried to make a human out of their son Ronin, Meanwhile Blu is making birthday pancakes for his best friend Ronin. Nutella, Baxin, Carla, Bia and Tiago helped while Jewel and Ronin were coming back from the jungle and found a strange fruit called a starfruit, they want to show everyone back home.
And when they arrived back home, the two friends only see Shadow and Doris at Blu and Jewel's tree.
Ronin: Good morning Mom and Dad!
Jewel: Morning Shadow, morning Doris!
Shadow: Good morning Jewel..... and good morning to you birthday boy look what we found you.
Doris gaves Ronin the brazil nut the she and Shadow found for him.
Ronin: I love brazil nuts, thank you Mom and Dad.
Jewel: Here buddy, I can open........
Ronin: It's okay Jewel, I got it.
Ronin's mouth turned into a beak of a parrot and opens the nut and eats it, Jewel was really impressed, she thought to herself that is there nothing Ronin can't do, Ronin and Jewel here's Blu shouting out goal and Ronin, Jewel, Shadow and Doris went throw the window and sees Blu making pancakes for Ronin even though the doesn't eat that kind of human foods but Ronin was really grateful that Blu did this all for him on his birthday.
Ronin: Hi Blu!!
Blu: Hey, Happy Birthday Ronin, me and the kids made you some pancakes.
Ronin: Thanks guys.
Ronin had never tried eating pancakes before he got his powers and when he took a bite of it, Ronin loved how it tasted and he kept eating it like an animal Shadow, Doris and Jewel turned to Blu, while Baxin and Tiago ate pancakes with Ronin and Nutella, Carla and Bia watched TV.
Doris: Blu, we talked about this.
Blu: Did we? I don't remember........ yeah so did you, Shadow and Jewel get for Ronin?
Doris: This!
Doris showed Blu the brazil nut that Ronin haven't finished yet.
Blu: That's funny but seriously what is that?
Shadow: It's a brazil nut Blu we never found one this close to the city and Ronin really liked it.
Blu: Did you help him open it.
Jewel: Nope he did all by himself.
Blu was in shock to hear Ronin a nine-year old opened a brazil nut which is very hard to opened and he turned to Ronin showing Blu his beak figured that's how he got the nut open.
Baxin: So Mom, what are we going to do on Ronin's birthday?
Doris: We're gonna go on a vacation to the Amazon.
Ronin, Baxin, Nutella, Blu, Jewel, Carla, Bia and Tiago: "The Amazon"!
Shadow: Uh-huh me and Doris planned it from last night so what do you say kiddo?
Ronin: I say "best birthday ever" but can bring my friends along.... pleeeaaaase.
Doris: Of course you can Sweetie.
Jewel: So let get this straight Ronin, you and your have a tradition that you guys go out of town and have a vacation for one-two weeks is that right?
Ronin: Uh....... yes!
Jewel: That's amazing..... we're so coming with you.
Tiago: Alright we're going with Ronin to the Amazon.
Blu: Whoa, whoa we just pack up and go.
Jewel: Why not it's about time that this family needs a little air in our wings.. look at us IPods, TV, pancakes...... we're not humans Blu we're animals plus it's Ronin's birthday and he's inviting us to the most exciting adventures of all time, c'mon Blu what do you say.
Blu: Well...... it is Ronin's birthday.
Carla: And Dad didn't say "no".
Bia: So he practically said "yes".
Ronin: This is awesome I gotta tell my uncles....... your coming Blu?
Blu: Lead the way buddy.
Both Ronin and Blu were flying to Luiz's garage where all the birds are audiences for Ronin's Carnival show, Rafael, Nico and Pedro were the judges of every performers but they weren't inspired and Blu and Ronin arrived and them about their vacation to the Amazon they thought it was wild, Blu was curious of how wild is this vacation Nico, Pedro and Luiz explain it to both Ronin and Blu.
Luiz: The Amazon is really wild.
Pedro: Yeah, they got mosquitoes that can suck blood like slurppies
Nico: Snakes that can swallow you whole.
Luiz: And flesh-eating piranhas that eat flesh.
Ronin: Wow that sounds really wild alright..... and I like it.
Blu: Yes that does sound really nice........ we're not going.
Ronin: WHAT!!!
Rafael steps in tell Blu that he has nothing to worry about because all of those stories are highly exacturated Blu thought Rafael was right and plus it's not it's forever the two friends fly back home and get ready to leave Rio De Jenairo for their two week vacation.

Wild Ronin 2
FanfictionIt's Ronin's birthday and he wants to go someplace fun and exciting so his family decides to take him to the Amazon for a whole week and they welcomed Ronin's friends to come with them