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The blast from Dub's ray blasted Cube, Cyan, Heli, away in to the poly forest, as the sun hid behind some mountains.

"Well dang! Looks like we gotta find them" Iris said, you nodded, "Lets go Ketches!" you said, then Ketches boosted towards poly forest, but that caught Dub's attention, "Oh no you don't!" Dub said, then he swung his arm trying to grab one of you, and on his 3rd try, he grabbed you.

"Y/N!" H/N cried while Iris looked shocked, "We gotta go back for them Ketches!" Iris told Ketches, "No can do matey, it be too risky!" Ketches replied while driving away, "Well, look who we have here." Dub said, "Let me go you monster!" you said while hitting his hand.

Then Dub pulled out the Cyan Tree and held it in one hand, while he held you in the other, "Now. Lets see what cyan can do." Dub said while smiling, then he turned it upside-down over his mouth, and a bunch of fruits fell into his mouth, then Dub began to transform into his 2nd form.

When he was finished his "transformation", he put up a crazed smile. The scene switches to a birds eye view of paradise, where 4 balls of orange, yellow, green, and red, launched in to different parts of paradise, and when they landed on the ground, they became corrupted.

The scene switches to a tall pink tower, and on top of that tower is Dub in his 2nd form, with a electric guitar. He dances to the music, and when he stops playing the guitar, he turns around facing the screen, and them smiles. (omg- this part made me cringe so hard-)

(also can't find the ep 3 intro either)

Y/N woke up in a big bird-like cage, it was hanging over a corrupted pool. (idk?) "Uuuggghhhh...what happened..?" they said, then when they tried to stand up, their head started to hurt badly, "Oof-" Y/N muttered, then Y/N walked towards the bars and looked around, then they finally looked down at their reflection, and saw that their head had a bit of corruption spreading.

Y/N back up in surprise and started to look for an exit, you didn't find any big gaps you could jump out of, because the bars were to close together.

"Dang it." Y/N muttered under their breath, then they heard footsteps coming closer to the room they were in, she/he backed away to the back of the cage and sat there. The steps came closer and closer, until Y/N could see who it was.

"Ah, Caretaker of the Red Tree. You're finally awake." Dub said, "Where am I and what do you want you monster?" Y/N asked, "I want you to tell me how to get access to the Red TreeAngle." Dub said smiling


I woke up from being knocked out, at first all I saw was the leaves of the trees in Poly Forest. Until I heard small squeaking. I sat up, clutching my corruption, and saw that it was Cyan on a fallen log, with a part of him broken off.

"*gasp*..! CYAN..!" I shouted, "Stay right there..!" I said, then I jumped over to the other side and picked him up with a shocked expression, "Cyan...what happened to you..?" Cyan started to say something but I couldn't understand him because he was in his 1st form.

Cyan started to cry, "I'm sorry Cyan..." I said as I held him close, then someone put their hand on my shoulder and I turned my head to see who it was.

"It's ok Caretaker. I can help you fix your Hero." she said, "Y-you can..?" I quickly asked "Mmhmm. I'm a Caretaker as well. My name is Pentellow."

- 𝐓𝐏𝐂 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 - [HIATUS LIFTED]Where stories live. Discover now