When The Demon Is Soft

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In an AU where they've won.

Shidou Ryusei's POV

I was right his house is so fucking aesthetic, everything was clean and organized. I jumped on his back dang I'm so lucky I scored that goal. I mean I know he could've done it without me but I scored 4 goals. He grabbed me by the arm and threw me on the floor (again)... "Get off me that's gross." He said with a bit of anger but definitely with disgust. I liked it. "Aw Sae-chan but we won, can I get a little prize at least?" I pouted. I bet he regret his decision. "If you didn't forget my number and you moving in my house is your prize." He responded to me with no trace of emotions in his face. "So...Where's my room?" I tried to change the subject. "Fucking shit." He mumbled and rubbed his temples. Guess what? There's only one room.


"Sae-chan let's sleep~" I whined at him. "Shut up dog I need to do my skincare. Be grateful you're sleeping in the same bed as mine." He said thru the bathroom enough loud for me to hear it. I grab the remote and rewatch the match we have played. Man he's slow as hell did he fell asleep in the bathroom? I lowered down the volume to check if he was still alive or something like this. He was humming a song, I barely hear it so I turned off the TV. I tried to recognize the song but ended up falling asleep because of that.


I woke up and saw Sae's body in my arms, head resting on my chest while hugging me. I touch his soft hair and nuzzled my head on his neck. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me. I let myself go off him to let him some space. "My bad I can go if you want." I say with my morning voice. I just don't wanna get kicked in the morning. "No it's fine." He rubbed his eyes saying it half awake. He went to the bathroom which of course I followed him. So sleepy... I hugged his waist when I arrived to the bathroom. He seems to not care about my presence nor what I'm doing maybe because he was brushing his teeth but he could've just pushed me away from him but he didn't did it. "You're so clingy Ryusei. Brush your teeth I'm going downstairs to make breakfast." I hummed before letting him go.

𝘍𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘥 1 𝘞𝘦𝘦𝘬

I became more close to him I mean he still pushes me when I tryna hug him but yeah that's fine. I have a match today with Sae and god I'm excited as shit. "Stop jumping. Keep that energy for the match." He ordered to me. I sat down and put my hand on his thigh and surprisingly he did nothing. Damn how I love to play football with him he's so perfect.

As expected we won (yippee!🎉) I wanted to jump on his back but he shoved me away- This feeling feels so great. "Hand off me horny demon." I let out a chuckle when he said that but he spoke again. "Hurry up this isn't your house or shit go shower now." I raised an eyebrow. "Wanna join?" I teased, a grin on my face. "Um no thanks I'm fine." He legit had no emotion when he said that.

Sae's bed is so big for what? He doesn't even take 1/3 of his bed. I can't understand him, why the hell is he cleaning his house if he doesn't even live in it for a week. I heard footsteps coming towards me and obviously it was Sae. He crossed his arms when he saw me. "Get up you lazy fuck." He said coldly. "Nope I already trained today." I respond to him. He signed and left the room. "Wait Sae-chaaan~ stop working to much instead come in your comfy bed with me." I whined again. "In your dreams I prefer to jump off a cliff." He respond. I ran towards him and tried to catch him. "I'm not in the mood to play your games Shidou Ryusei so fucking stop." I didn't really care about what he said but ya know nothing is worth the risk. I managed to catch him with pure luck without getting kicked in the face or thrown in the stairs. I put him on his (or our) bed. I tried to calm him down and I cuddled him. "Don't you dare do that again or I'll kill you." He threatened me. "Okay~" I smile at him. "Netflix and chill?" I said. He nodded, I swear he didn't know what I meant when I said that...

I hope my friend won't read this bc yeah- Hope you enjoy and also I post my story on AO3 few weeks before so dw I just got no motivation to do it on Wattpad my bad. Anyways have a great day and see you later maybe?~

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