May 23, 2015 ~ Graduation day!

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   My day started bright and early, before 6 a.m. My body shook with excitement but my stomach was sick from nerves! Even though I was excited to graduate, I was not thrilled that I had to stand in front of so many people and be the only one that they are focusing their attention on. The graduation party I wanted would have been little more than a glorified dinner party with my closest friends. But this meant a lot to my parents, so after a lot of bribing I finally agreed.

   At about 6:30 I gave up on the idea of sleep and I went down stairs to my parents room. I don't care what anyone says, I am a daddy's gurl, and when I get nervous or scared there is nothing more reassuring than snuggling with my dad. So I laid there with them for a while before it was finally time to get up and begin the day.

   I didn't eat or drink anything all day long, I was too preoccupied with getting things ready. we set up four big canopies to give guests shade, then we put up tables to line the walls of the garage for food and gifts. There were two long tables for food, one for drinks, one for the cake and punch, another for gifts, and another still to hold pictures, mementos, and to display some of my art work. Two giant banners of "Congratulations Grad" hung on the garage walls. Streamers and tassels hanged from the ceiling. Red, black, and white balloons were set up on each table and outside in the sitting area.

   once everything was set up it was time for me to get myself ready. I lather myself in a refreshing and rejuvenating shower. I washed and conditioned my long ruby red hair, and of course shaved my legs (ladies you know the struggle ;P) After that well earned shower I lathered myself in thick creamy lotion that made my skin glow and feel silky smooth. I also applied mousse to help defrizze my hair and help it hold its natural curl.  My mom helped me do my hair and my nails, then I added a very little bit of make-up. The finished product looked pretty dang Sexy if I do say so myself.


   I come downstairs and everything just seems prefect! People are already starting to show up. One of the first people to show up was my boy friend - Austin #n_n#  The gift he gave me was super sweet and personal and I cannot tell you what it was (don't let your mind go to the gutter, it wasn't dirty) But it reminded me why he is and always will be, my best friend <3

    anyways, one by one more and more people show up. pretty soon there is quite the crowd. I have spent a lot of time greeting friends of the family, saying thank you when they congratulate me. Its kind of embarrassing when everyone keeps telling you how proud they are, especially when you did NOT want the party in the first place. My cousins Alyssa and Aly (They are here on wattpad but they change their names so often I cant keep up) and I were the first to venture into the giant blow up boxing ring that my parents rented! (That's right, my parents are the coolest B-) ) that thing ended up being one of the high lights of the evening.

   There were still several more friends who needed yet to show up but it was getting late and close to dinner time, so we went ahead and had the graduation ceremony. I put on my cap and gown and went out on the front porch where I was presented with my diploma. My mother made a speech and she began to cry as she talked about her baby graduating (I am the youngest) and that was tht... Time to eat!

   We had a long taco bar with 2 different meats, 3 different salsas, 2 different guacamoles, and countless varieties of other foods to choose from. It all looked delicious! I was able to eat 1 taco and that was it @_@ and mind you I hadn't eaten anything up to that point either. The day was just that crazy! Finally as the final straggler came it the fun was finally beginning. I had guests sign my cap with sharpies, and write their favorite memories of me and put them in a jar. Those were keep sakes. And then it was time to open gifts - I received a camera from my aunt and uncle, a stereo (I named it Giga the Beast) from my grandparents, lotions and sweet smells from my best friend Kimberly, My friend Matt used an entire 75' roll of aluminum foil to wrap dozens of tiny gifts to fill a bag with... (yes he is a retard, lol!), I also got lots of are supplies, a dear family friend, Mark, gave me one of his paintings (he is a talented artist) and my good friend Omar gave me a necklace with my initial on it (14k white gold, custom made - one of a kind), my two brothers and my sister went in on an awesome Lenevo laptop with red back lighting and is specially designed for the field of study I will be goiing into this fall, and I made off like a bandit with over $750 in cash!

   Some friends got a volley ball game started and eventually the teams grew excessively large and it became an all out brawl for the ball. It was tons of fun! I SUCK at volleyball so whenever it was my turn to serve I would step way back and bomb the volley ball as if it were a soccer ball. it always flew really high and really far. People told me that I should kick for a football team ^-^  my foot hurt really badly though, because I wasn't wearing shoes. It started swelling and turned bright red. I knew it would be fine though, in elementary school I used to play soccer and I would play without shoes all the time. But some of my friends (i.e. my sister @darkjedichick and my boy friend) started getting all stupid and kept the ball away from me so I wouldn't kick it anymore -_-. that got annoying very quickly! (side note: the next morning my foot was perfectly fine - not even a slight bruise or soreness)

   The final thing that took up a vast majority of the evening, wrestling in the blow up boxing ring! I did a lot of refereeing while the guys did the most of the fighting. I fought twice, once with momma once with my sister. But my career ended quickly when I had an asthma attack and my brother had to rush inside to find my inhaler. My boy friend was scared to death - he had seen me have attacks before but not lik this, I kept gasping for air (I was even scared for a minute) - and Omar who has never seen me have an attack had no idea what to do. But I ended up being fine and went back to refereeing. I do believe the reigning champ ended up being Omar, though im not sure. His and Austin's last battle ended up not getting finished. But I would say he won the most matches. I wish I could show you all the videos I took of them fighting - it was hilarious! Finally as it grew darker and darker someone got the bright idea to tell us to get out tf the bounce house, by unplugging it -_-  it started deflating and Omar along with my sister got sucked in and stuck. I had to come to their rescue and I almost got stuck myself! But thankfully we all made it out alive!

   Everyone was leaving, heading home exhausted but happy ^-^  I kept my eyes pealed for Joe - my frenemy (Ok you know that friend we all have that absolutely pushes every single button we have and yet we enjoy hanging around with them anyways? that is Joe) I had been messing with him off and on all night, and he promised revenge. Usually that entails being  chased around and thrown over his shoulder and sometimes ice cubes down my shirt. But he hadn't gotten me yet so far, so I was cautious. Then he came up behind me and didn't make a sound until he grabbed my waist. I almost screamed! (I hate when people come up behind me, especially if they touch me ^~^) but that was all he did was startle me, he was a good boy all night long

   The evening ended with Omar and my brothers playing Super Smash Brothers on our Wii while I watched and messed with Omar's phone going through music. It was a nice relaxed way to end the crazy day. I also asked four of them for help and we took about 15 minutes to unwrap all the tiny presents that Matt had wrapped in foil (yes it took that long) But then everybody went home and I crashed!! It was scary and nerve wreaking and kind of embarrassing - but all in all, it is definitely a day I will not forget!

Luv2All!! ~ ReaderWriter_17

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2015 ⏰

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