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No one had seen Julia since yesterday evening, she had somehow went missing, James was angry with himself for letting this happen, he had taken his eyes off of her for a couple of hours so Julia could go home to the house they shared and get some rest, she had to have gotten taken when she got out of her car James thought to himself. He had to figure out how to get to her before Teresa found out she was missing, James asked Camila if she was having any trouble with clients or business partners which she was still having problems with her husband and if that's who took Julia she was in Mexico right now, James knew that Camila's husband was trying to get her to come back home to him but she wouldn't budge so he tried everything he could, and if that meant ruining her business then he would do that too. James thought of a way to to find Julia, he had realized that she probably still had her phone and he could ping her location.


Meanwhile, Julia woke up inside a truck, she looked around for a moment seeing two soldiers sitting next to her, one on each side, her hands were zipped tied together so tight that it was cutting into her skin leading to blood shed. She was brought to a man, maybe he was a general, Julia hadn't gotten a good look but she managed to see that his badge said Cortez. The soldiers from earlier had tied Julia to a wooden pillar as Cortez had made a call, she could hear Camila's voice on the other end. James was with Camila at that time as she negotiated a deal "I'll give you two million dollars worth of product if you release Julia unarmed" Camila spoke in firm tone, James listened in on the conversation. Cortez looked at Julia "make it three million" Cortez said with a slight smirk, Camila was starting to get impatient "that's too much" Camila replied. Cortez was getting angry with Camila playing games "do it or she dies!" he exclaimed and rose a gun to Julia's head. Camila looked at James "fine, three million dollars worth of cocaine" she said, Cortez smiled "great, send your men to pick the girl up and bring the shipment and no funny business" he said then hung up the phone. Camila had her men loading a few trucks while James got ready to take the lead, he was sure that Cortez wasn't going to give her up that easily. Cortez untied julia from the pillar and put her in a truck "you'll be going home soon princess" he said in a sarcastic tone, Julia just looked at him.

Time had pasted and Camila's men and James were almost wear Cortez wanted them to meet, Cortez grabbed Julia out of the truck and put a knife to her throat as the trucks approached them, James stopped his car once he got close enough, "there's your shipment, now give me Julia" James demanded. Cortez let out an evil chuckle "I don't like your attitude, and just because of that she'll pay the price" Cortez turned his knife and stabbed Julia twice in the stomach causing her to fall to her knees "Now you can have her" Cortez said with at same evil grin as before. James rushed over to Julia with panic in each step he took, James picked Julia up and quickly carried her to the car "Try to hold on, I'll get you to a hospital while Charger and Tonto deal with the threat at hand" he said shutting the door to where Julia sat which was in the front passenger seat. James got in the car and immediately put it in reverse, once he spun the car in the other direction he went as fast as he could. Julia reached for his hand slowly, She put her hand on top of his, James instantly grabbed her hand and held it tightly letting her know that everything was going to be alright. James couldn't lose her, Julia was what made his life worth living.

After about twenty minutes they had reached a hospital, James parked the car then hurried to get Julia out, He took her into the emergency room. "please help, my girlfriend was stabbed!" he called out as the Nurse came rushing over with a gurney. Julia was immediately rushed into surgery, James was terrified that she wouldn't make it, all he did was pace back and forth for almost three hours straight. After waiting for what felt like forever James finally stopped pacing when he saw a nurse had finally came out to give him an update, as the nurse walked over James fear of losing Julia had gotten worse. The nurse looked"She's going to be fine, She's in recovery room five if you want to see her" the nurse said politely, James gave her a sharp nod and walked to Julia's room. James sat in the chair next to Julia's hospital bed. He looked at her face that looked so peaceful and innocent, but he kept cursing himself on the inside for letting this happen to her. He leaned his head onto the bar of the bed and held Julia's hand, he knew it would be a while before she would wake up and he was prepared to wait. James sat there for and hour and a half before Julia had opened her eyes. When Julia had woken up the first thing she did was look to see who was holding her hand, It was no surprise that she saw James sitting at her bedside. James looked at her and smiled "hey, how are you feeling?" he asked Julia "Sore but I'll be alright" Julia replied, James smiled and kissed her forehead which made Julia smile.

Teresa had came through the door with King George, Julia and George were good friends, they would do a few things together on the weekend sometimes which she enjoyed, Julia thought George was crazier than a bedbug in a good way of course. Teresa looked at her sister who was sitting there "thank god you're alright, I was worried" Teresa said softly

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