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─── ・ 。:゚♡: *. Señorita .*♡ :゚. ───ˊˎ˗

❝Chapter Five❞
                                                   ━━━ Under The Velvety Skies. . .

Dad!Dad, Dad, Dad! Dad! Dad!

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Dad, Dad, Dad! Dad! Dad!

Prongs asks, 'What's wrong, Harry?'

Dean is gonna take Ginny for stargazing! TONIGHT!

Prongs says, 'oh. OH. OH!'


Prongs says, 'Follow your heart.'


Prongs says, 'Yes.'

Harry Potter was currently stalking Ginny Weasley. She and Dean – the slick git – were sitting on the floor of the Astronomy Tower, their legs swung over the pillar. The bloke was drawing something on a parchment whilst Ginny was simply staring ahead in silence.

"You know which star my Mum loves a lot?" Dean asked suddenly. Harry saw Ginny shrug. "The Northern Star. It's said to guide lost souls to their destination and has significance in star lore." Oh, if only that star would guide this lost soul. . .

"That seems quite fascinating, mhm," Ginny responded, nodding her head in a very un-Ginny-like motion. "I wish it would guide me as well. . ." she added in a much slower tone. Harry's heart gave a lurch. We were thinking the same. Does it mean she doesn't hate me? Oh, to hope.

"I'm sure it will guide you, Ginny," Dean assured.

"What's that one called, Dean?" Ginny asked spontaneously, pointing at the sky. Harry squinted his eyes but could not make out which one of the thousands she was referring to. "The one beside the Northern Star."

"Err? I am afraid I don't see it?" Dean said in a confused tune, leading Harry to wonder about his sanity and vision. Even the specky git that I am can see that star twinkling.

"But it's right there!

"I think I know the reason why I'm not seeing it. Although it's disheartening to say this, your soulmate must be near you. That star, which appears only to a few people, is said to only be visible to soulmates who are in close proximity. It's a magical star, called Seloamour," the Gryffindor explained. Harry's eyes widened and his heart skipped a beat.

"Really? I think it's rubbish. There's no one here besides us and if you can't see us and unless someone is stalking us. . ." Ginny started hyperventilating.

"Calm down. I don't think he's here," Dean comforted her and took her hand in his. Harry felt his insides burn and took it as a cue to reveal himself and confront Dean. And confess to Ginny.

𝐒𝐞𝐧̃𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐚  ━━━ H. PotterWhere stories live. Discover now