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Summer had just began Stoev and Stefan were inseparable. Literally. They would wake up and go to bed inside one another after a 2 hour long session of pissing and ass-fisting..., but sudden news rocked Stefan's life. One day on the 17th of June, after their sexual adventure was done, Stoev had to tell everything to Stefan.

- Stefka trqq hodq do egiped za lqtoto. - Devastated, Stefanatora uttered.

- Kvo...?

- Na6ite me karat, kazaha che imame nqkva qhta trqbvalo da q polzvame, nz – Stefkata dazed and confused, looked at Stoev as he hadn't just filled his mouth full of piss mixed with babalugis.

- Huu... vsichko e nared, nqma nishto. – Obviously Stefan was not happy but he couldn't do anything to prevent it, but Stoev was hiding something... something big.

- Okei leka no6t stevka – he kissed Stefan's forehead and went to bed for the last time on Baba Iliica's street.

The day of Stoev's departure came, but he was actually lying to Stefan he wasn't going to Egypt, he had actually found a girl he wanted to be with, but was too scared to tell the truth to Stefkata. Meanwhile Stefkata was sad that Stoev was gone and he felt really lonely, so he went to Rosen, Drago, Luigi, Huskata, Vaseto and Kireto. They were his best friends, they were like brothers to him. He met them at the scooters spot where they were passing the boof.

- Pichove- Stefkata said. Desperately trying to take their attention off of Huskata's scooter tricks. Huskata was a great scooterman, he was the best of them all so it was understandable that everyone would want to watch his magical riding skills. Even Stefkata for a moment forgot how lonely he was without Stoev by his side, but soon he was reminded of his solitude and of his little gay slut missing by the smell of cannabis. Stefan would only smoke with Stoev and that made him even sadder. – Az... az sum tujen. Stoev si trugna...-

- Ma kvo umrq li xDDD – Vaseto interrupted Stefan and making the whole squad laugh, but Stefanatora wasn't laughing, he was watching Vasko very seriously and ferociously, the whole atmosphere became cold and Vaseto apologized. – sry stefo.

- Priema se... hora Stoev zamina... Otide v... Egipet – everyone knew how lonely Stefan felt, they knew all about how much Stefan really loved Stoev. – Az... moje da ne sum nai-hubaviq, moje da ne sum nai-umniq, nito puk sum nai-dobriq, no surceto mi e golqmo I to e samo za Stoev.

With this sentence he brought Rosen, Drago, Kireto, Luigi, Vaseto and Huskata to tears. They wanted to somehow help Stefan, but were too stupid and too stoned to do anything so soon they forgot about Stefan altogether and turned their attention back to the scootera. Stefkata hurt and ashamed went to his other, better friend group, he wanted to bring them together to Naroden, so they could make him forget the pain. First came Kris and Jujuba because they had nothing else better to do. After that came Kunchi, but soon after, his phone rang. It was THE BOSS telling him it's time to go have their urination practice, that made Stefan very sad, but he had to say goodbye to Kunchi. On the way to THE BOSS Kunchi with a sad face said one final "br", drank 1.5 ml of mineral water from the Alps to warm up and said one final goodbye to Stefis. Being left alone with Jujub and Kris made his life a misery because Kris wouldn't shut up for even a moment but then an idea came to Stefcho how to bully Kris yet again. Stefan patiently waited for the perfect opportunity to ask the big question. And it came. With a perfectly pure smile on his face as if he wasn't going to commit the biggest sin of all.

- Koi?... – Jujub was eagerly waiting to see how things would unfold. Stefo laid his trap upon Kris. Was Kris about to fall in it again for the millionth time? No... This time was different. He was ready to challenge the world. On top of all he was ready to say the word "sex" in biology class... Kris had grown, his penis was erect. Elica had cured his erectile dysfunction with her secret medical practices which involved ropes, whips and Kris's little brother, but let's not dwell on that. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2023 ⏰

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