Chapter 9-The Hidden Part of the Legend

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I feel a warm hand on my shoulder and look up to see Yusei smiling.

- Congratulations to you.

- No, congratulations to Team 5D's! I said, smiling.

- CONGRATULATIONS TO TEAM 5D'S! the whole team and my family screamed.

We heard hand clapping and turned around to find . . .

- Sebastian.

Your p.o.v

- Congratulations, I knew you wouldn't be able to hold for long, Sebastian came up to me smirking.

Yusei stood in front of me, one arm standing in front of me.

- What do you want? I asked him.

- Come on, princesse. I know you miss me. Leave those losers, they don't deserve to have something as precious as you, he said, smiling.

- As if she would go with a monster like you! Theo screamed from behind me.

I walk in front of Yusei and stop a few meters away from Sebastian. He opens his arms, a mischievous smile on his face. I look behind me.

Guardian of the Signers make attention. Look closely at his aura

- Who are you?

- I am sorry? Sebastian looked at me, confused.

- You heard me well. I am not dumb. I can see that you aren't the real Sebastian. The real one doesn't have a dark aura like you do.

The fake Sebastian laughs.

- You're wrong. The Sebastian you knew was the fake one. I am the real one.

I looked at him and noticed that his fingers seemed thinner, his teeth sharper, his eyes turned red and he looked at me.

- You're the Black Demon from the legend, aren't you?

- Pleasure to meet you, Maiden of the light.

Everyone looked at us, all confused.

- Black Demon, Maiden of the light? Crow asks.

- Legend? What legend? Akiza added.

- I'll explain everything to you later. For now, get away from us. I can't guarantee that you'll stay in one piece if you stay so close to us, I told them.

My eyes glowed a warm red once again. My hair, normally a h/c color, turned as white as the snow. My clothes changed, switching for a beautiful and simple red dress.

- Y-Y/n? Yusei's voice asked from behind me.

I turn my head to see him standing there.

- What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with the others?

- I can't allow myself to leave you alone.

I smile at him. I raise my hand and form a small ball of red light that gets around him.

- Don't move and you should be fine.

He nodded, looking worriedly.

- Ready yet? I am bored, Black Demon or should I say Sebastian said.

I smirk.

- You better be ready!

I used my powers to make a small arena around us, this way no one can stop us and no one can get hurt. Black demon didn't waste any time, throwing a ball of black energy my way. I move out of the way and create a red and white sword. I run toward him and try to touch him with the blade made of light.

Maiden of the Light (Yusei Fudo x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now