The train.

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As I start moving toward the stairs I get a cold chill going down my spine but I ignore it as if it was normal, its not. The only thing that creeps me out more than fire is trains. I hate them as they zoom past you. I look round the corner to see if anyone else is there,no one in sight. I go to take a seat at the side of the long tunnel so I can rest,I close my eyes, darkness apart from the on and off red spot in the corner of my eye from the flickering light I look at it then I look at the train that has just pulled up. I pick up my backpack and head for the train I grab out my ticket and give it to the man waiting inside the train. "Here you go" I say while giving him the ticket. As I go to take my seat he grabs me by the shoulder "whatever you do don't go into the back room" he whispered into my ear. I nod at him because I didn't want to upset him. I grab my seat and pull out my book its called Once it's about a boy in the middle of a war he lives underground in a hole and he can't come out cause of the Nazis would kill him. As the train moves along I look out the window into the dark then a flash of red "was that?" I say to myself quietly. I rub my eyes and go back to reading. I look up to notice a small cat eating a dead mouse the cat looks at me then runs away in fright it runs into the back room with the mouse in its mouth I stair at the blood red door for a while waiting for something just anything *Thump* after a couple of seconds the cat comes out with wide eyes and is covered in a red juice, the cat walks past me and there is a strong rose smell it walks toward the door then falling onto the tracks. I can't help but wonder what's in the back room?

That's it for the first paragraph see you soon xoxo

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