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"Dain, what are you doing?!" Y/N screamed as the blonde male turned sharply at the sound of an explosion, towards the sea of flames that had been their home. "I have to go back, the Princess is still trapped!" The guard's deep blue eyes flashed with determination, but Y/N's eyes were filled with desperation. "Who cares about the Princess, she's already found her brother, we need to get out of here before Khaenri'ah is destroyed for good!" Y/N tried to blink back the tears that threatened to overtake him, but Dainsleif shook his head gently. "I can't. It's my duty as a royal guard. I have to find her." The two locked eyes, Dain's filled with gentle sorrow, Y/N's with fear. Dainsleif took Y/N's hands in his, holding them gently in reassurance. "I'll return soon. When it's safe." "How will you find me?" Y/N countered, looking up at Dain with a firm gaze. "We'll meet by Mondstadt's city gate. I'm sure they'll have a place for us there," Dain lifted one hand and cupped Y/N's cheek, wiping away the tear tracks. "I promise. We'll see each other again." He kissed Y/N's forehead, squeezed his hand one last time, before disappearing back through the forest and into the flaming sea.

Y/N woke up with a start, tears staining his pillow and face. He quickly wiped them away with his hand as the door opened and Diluc walked into the room, a cup of tea in his hand as he set it down on the nightstand. "Morning, Y/N. Did you sleep alright?" The red-haired man asked as he opened the curtains, revealing the warm morning sun. "Yes, the same as ever, Master Diluc," Y/N nodded, but was stopped in his motions to get ready by an amber gaze. "That nightmare again?" Diluc asked, with a gentler tone than usual. "Heh, how'd you know?" Y/N chuckled and stood up, grabbing his black vest, not bothering to fix his shirt as he slipped it on as Diluc left Y/N to get dressed. His practiced hands secured the silver decorative closings, then he grabbed the lighter overcoat and pulled it on over the vest. Y/N stopped in the mirror, his eyes flicking briefly over the dark eyepatch that covered his right eye, before whisking out the door and closing it behind him. "Good morning, Sir Y/N! Out for a walk again?" Adelinde called out cheerily and Y/N gave a small smile and wave in return. "You know me too well, Adelinde dear," he laughs and Adelinde bows as he steps out of the winery, into the bright Mondstadt sun.

The sun shone warm on Y/N's face as he made a slow approach towards the city gate, but the sun's warmth was quickly extinguished as the shadow of the gate fell on Y/N, and the guards each nodded in greeting as Y/N passed under the arch. The sun once again blinded him, but when the glare cleared, he saw a bustling street, with fruit sellers calling into the wind, red roofs adorning each building, and cobblestones gray on the street. Y/N walked slowly through the street, not scared of this new place anymore, taking time to look at everything the city had to offer. He quickly smelled a sweet scent of sugar on the wind, and turned to see the Good Hunter's oven fires crackling cheerily. In a flash, the burning city of Khaenri'ah appeared in Y/N's mind, and he quickly turned away, rushing up a flight of stairs towards the courtyard.

The sun was just as soft as it had been that first day, and Y/N reveled in it. He no longer had to take a long time to look around, because he now knew this place like the back of his hand. He waved to Sara at the Good Hunter and turned his feet to make a quick stop. Sara's friendly voice greeted him as he stepped up. "Good morning, Sir Y/N! The same as usual?" Y/N sighed. "Please, I already told you not to call me 'sir', Sara," he chided softly, then added quietly, "Along with just about everybody in Mondstadt," he smiled resignedly, and Sara laughed. "Sorry, it's pretty much habit for everyone who comes from the Dawn Winery." "Sara." Y/N raised an eyebrow, and Sara laughed again. "I know. So one Sweet Madame?" "Yes please." "Coming up." Y/N nodded, placed his Mora on the counter, and took a seat at a table overlooking the street.

Mondstadt itself hadn't changed much since Y/N had first arrived, but the familiar faces were different from the ones he'd seen that day. Sara's face had replaced a young man's, a few years older than Y/N, with handsome eyes and a dotting of stubble on his chin. The man's name had been William, and he was similar in temperament and in appearance to Sara. Across the street, at Mondstadt General Goods, Blanche had once been Olivia, a tall fair woman with dark hair, who had preferred to leave it hanging in loose waves rather than tie it up in a bun. The Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius was a young blonde man called Noah, and he was much more present in Mond than the now absent Grand Master Varka. The librarian Lisa was instead Kateryne (not to be confused with Katheryne of the Adventurers' Guild), and the charming Captain Kaeya had been Captain Makri.

"Are you sure he should stay?! He's from Khaenri'ah after all! They're dangerous!" "Enough!" The Grand Master's voice rang out and silenced the crowd, the extravagantly dressed blonde sighing. "Y/N bears no ill will towards us, and all he wants is refuge from a desolated homeland. This is the city of freedom, and he should be able to have the same rights as we do while within our jurisdiction. This is my final word." "Grand Master..." Y/N blinks gratefully, then bows. "My thanks for allowing me to stay." "It's nothing. You're more than welcome here, Y/N." Grand Master Noah rested his hand on Y/N's shoulder, and the two exchanged a moment of camaraderie. "I will be on my way now, if you all don't mind." Y/N bowed to each person in the room, then quickly turned on his heels and left, his long cloak flowing behind him.

After leaving the Knights' headquarters, Y/N climbed up one of the towers of the wall around Mondstadt, and leapt from the wall. What looked to be magnificent wings depicting the stars spread from his back, and Y/N flew to the gigantic tree in the middle of the windy plains, where a Statue of the Seven stood tall in the shade. A sweet melody could be heard as he landed and approached the statue, kneeling before it, the shade dappling his back. He sighed and closed his eyes, letting the wind speak before him. When the wind was done, he spoke. "Anemo Archon, he who is dear to the people of Mond, please hear and answer my prayers; may my beloved, Dainsleif, soon return to me, at sunset by the city gate, as he promised."

Y/N was snapped from his thoughts as Sara brought over the Sweet Madame he had ordered, and he smiled and gave his thanks. He decided to take it to go, and stood up, continuing his walk around Mondstadt. He lingered by the gate for a while as the sun set, before running back to the stairways that led to the courtyard, where a giant statue of the Anemo Archon stood with his hands out. Glancing around for any sign of the sisters of the Church of Favonius, he quickly climbed up the statue and made his way up to the statue's hands. He took a deep breath, then spread his dark wings and took flight.

He fell forward, his broad wings catching the wind and carrying him into the sky, just below the clouds and the moon and stars. He took a deep breath of the cool, fresh air, happy to fly again. He passed over a flock of birds, which, startled, took flight below him and joined him in the sky, squawking. Laughing, Y/N trailed his fingers into the mist of the clouds, before looking to the ground and diving towards Windrise and the Statue of the Seven, where he spotted one face near the tree that had never changed; a traveling bard, who went by the name of Venti.

"Venti!" Y/N called out as he folded his wings swiftly and landed in a swish of fabric. The bard turned, then smiled when he saw it was Y/N. "Y/N, my good friend! How have you been?" "Same as ever, same as ever. How about you? Any new songs I should know about?" Y/N raised an eyebrow, and Venti shook his head, smiling. "No no, but your company is more than enough to bring a song to my mind, dear friend." The pair laughed briefly, before Venti suddenly took on an expression that did not fit him; concern. "Still waiting for him?" Y/N's smile vanished from his face, and a sadness welled up in his e/c eyes. "Yeah.  I haven't heard a word from or about him for many years now." "Ah, it's okay, my friend," Venti soothed, plucking his lyre strings in a familiar melody. "But, I did hear of a blonde man with a peculiar eyepatch in the tavern a while ago, now that I think about it." "Huh? Really?" Y/N was skeptical, and Venti nodded. "Mhm. The Traveler is going to meet him now."

Y/N's heart began beating out of his chest as he approached the tavern. The memories that hadn't resurfaced for years now flashed through his mind at that moment, of the tall blonde racing back into the flaming city. He took a deep breath to steady himself before pushing on the door of the tavern, blinking as bright light flooded his vision. He stepped inside, the heavy wooden door closing behind him, and a familiar redhead looked up from behind the bar counter. "Ah, Y/N. Here for a drink?" Diluc finished polishing a glass and set it down on a shelf that Y/N could not see. "Not yet, I'm afraid." Y/N shook his head before making his inquiry. "Master Diluc, have you seen a tall blonde man come in, wearing clothes patterned with stars?" Diluc tilted his head back in thought before responding. "I believe so, the Traveler asked to see him. He's at the corner table." "Thank you, I'll go see him now." Y/N dipped his head, his heart pounding even louder now. It couldn't be... could it?

i lied, don't leave me... - dainsleif x male! readerWhere stories live. Discover now