Chapter 1

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Potter Sibs

Mistake Child: i need help

Unwanted Child: i thought we already established that years ago

Demon Child: don't be mean al

Angelic Child: what do you need james?

Mistake Child: i need help

Unwanted Child: you already said that

Mistake Child: i don't know what to do

Unwanted Child: see a therapist?

Angelic Child: al this isn't helping
Angelic Child: what's wrong james?

Mistake Child: i'm pregnant

Unwanted Child: excuse me???


Angelic Child: this wasn't planned was it?

Mistake Child: of course it wasn't bloody planned
Mistake Child: what the fuck do i do

Unwanted Child: does teddy know?

Mistake Child: no

Angelic Child: maybe you should tell him

Mistake Child: i can't

Unwanted Child: why?

Mistake Child: what if he leaves?

Unwanted Child: then i'll fucking kill him

Angelic Child: he needs to know
Angelic Child: you just have to risk it

Mistake Child: risk it?
Mistake Child: i already risked it when i got pregnant

Unwanted Child: it takes two to make a baby james it wasn't just you

Demon Child: when did you find out?

Mistake Child: couple hours ago
Mistake Child: i've been walking around the flat panicking since i saw those fucking two lines

Angelic Child: just take a deep breath
Angelic Child: it'll be alright james

Mistake Child: easy for you to say
Mistake Child: you're not the one knocked up

Unwanted Child: this whole fucking thing is crazy
Unwanted Child: like your actually pregnant
Unwanted Child: there's gonna be a mini james and teddy running around

Demon Child: i can't wait!!!

Mistake Child: don't get so excited

Demon Child: why?

Mistake Child: don't know if i'm keeping it yet

Angelic Child: why wouldn't you keep it?

Unwanted Child: yeah i thought you always wanted kids

Mistake Child: i do
Mistake Child: but teddy doesn't

Unwanted Child: that's why you're scared to tell him

Mistake Child: yeah

Demon Child: how can he not want kids??

Unwanted Child: because they're annoying little shits

Demon Child: well james and teddy's kid won't be

Unwanted Child: i don't know
Unwanted Child: james was annoying

Demon Child: so were you

Mistake Child: can you stop this isn't helping

Demon Child: sorry

Unwanted Child: sorry

Angelic Child: james did teddy actually tell you he didn't want kids?

Mistake Child: yep
Mistake Child: i brought it up a couple years ago and he said having kids never appealed to him

Angelic Child: maybe that will change when he finds out you're pregnant

Mistake Child: doubtful

Unwanted Child: well there's only one way to find out

Demon Child: tell him!!

Mistake Child: fuck my life

J&T 🤍

Bambi: hey
Bambi: can we talk?

Smurf: of course
Smurf: is everything okay?

Bambi: i don't know yet

Smurf: talk to me love

Bambi: promise you won't hate me?

Smurf: why would i hate you?

Bambi: please teddy

Smurf: okay i promise
Smurf: now tell me

Bambi: i'm pregnant
read 4:17

Bambi: teddy?
read 4:21

Bambi: i'm sorry
read 4:23


134 likessiriuslyjames at least i have my little miloview all 13 commentsdommy  OMG HES SO CUTE!!! I NEED MILO CUDDLES ASAP

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siriuslyjames at least i have my little milo
view all 13 comments


this better not be a sad post
i think it's a sad post
that fucking prick

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