How It Became To Be Us

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"Do you remember when we first met Scarlet?" Rhett says

"Haha how could l ever forget" l say.

Rhett flicks his hair and chuckles. "Alright how than?"

"It was in year 2 when it was my first time catching the bus and it was pouring rain and l'd forgotten my jacket. l was late as usual and as l was walking to the bus stop the bus came around the corner and it went straight past me. l had started running after it when l slipped over and landed in a massive pile of mud. You had pressed the buzzer and ran off the bus. You helped me up with mud all over me and walked me back to the bus. Unfortunately l guess the bus didn't have time to spare so the driver drove off with your bag to school. We ended up walking to school and you gave me your jumper because l was about to get frostbite."

"Yep your first impressions were great!" Rhett says with a cheeky smile.

"That was seven years ago l guess they worked since your still my best friend" l say while eating his garlic bread from the school canteen.

Rhett was a tall boy with medium lengthed caramel blonde hair. He was taller than me about 6 foot. He was tanned an had a love for guitar. You see he was classified as one of those "to cool for school kids" in year 8 but to me he was a "wouldn't hurt a fly kid". He would have girls drooling over him but he would ignore them as he said "he would only have a relationship were we actually spoke to each other rather than stick each others tongues down our throats while people creepily watched". Rhett was the sweetest, cutest, funniest guy l new and we had a bond like no other.

Me (aka Scarlet) just so you guys can imagine who l am throughout the story l am a tall girl 5'8 to be exact that has chestnut coloured hair with brown eyes and a liking for all things cute. l am in year 8 with Rhett and can be the most annoyingest creature alive to him sometimes.

"l would love it if you didn't eat my lunch and tried to be healthy for once in your life scarlet" Rhett says pinching a half eaten piece of garlic bread from my hands and stuffing into his mouth before l had time to snatch it back

"l would but l kinda ate all mine at first lunch and-" at that moment l was interrupted by Kristy.

Kristy (aka biggest whore you've ever met.)

"Hi Rhett do you know what we've got next?" fluttering her eyelashes while leaning over and opening her legs up while wearing a skirt so Rhett could clearly see everything going on down under.

"No Kristy l don't ok" Rhett says annoyed at her.

"Hi Kristy hows life" l say knowingly not gonna get a reply.

"Hey Kristy everyone can see your junk right now" total ignorance. Rhett has a bit of a chuckle though.

As Kristy walks away the bell rings for last period.

"You still coming to mine this afternoon for a jog? Rhett says willingly

"Do l have a choice?" l say with my sad eyes

"Nope meet you at the memorial walk at 3:30" He says smiling

" Fine" l sigh wishing l never made a stupid promise to go on his routine for a week.


Please tell me if you liked it and if l should write more. :)

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