Remember Me

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The smell of the bakery opening when you can almost taste the fresh bread and sweet muffins being cooked inside, reminds me of us. The street performers with their guitars in their hands and a smile of songs written on their faces, reminds me of us. The couple across the patio starry eyed and in love with dreams of forever, reminds me of us. I remember the one girl that changed my whole life.

I was fifteen with the idea that love never lasts, my parents were nutty drunks and had a cold hate for each other. They chose to stay together for the sake of us three kids. We were living in a worn down one story house where the three of us shared a room which pretty much consisted of three beds lined up and my sister's posters of Billy Joel on the far wall. We lived in a small town in Idaho with many families like ours, which includes other fifteen year old boys that don't particularly enjoy my company.

If you were to paint a picture of me at fifteen, you would see a not-so-averagely tall boy with noodle arms, more than likely holding onto a book wearing my thick lenses, a baggy t-shirt, tight pants, and clunky Adidas to put the off outfit together. My best friend's name was Iggie. We didn't have much in common, but we kept each other company at lunch. I lived a very dull life, but I was happy enough at fifteen.

One day, I was walking home from school and decided I wanted to walk through the town square. I don't know why I decided to; I guess I just felt bored. As I was walking around I could smell the fresh bread from the bakery, and the coffee shop smelling strong of coffee beans. I could see the amazing guitarist singing his heart out with his case beside him asking for cash. I had a penny and thought I would give the guy my penny; I've never given street performers money but this one seemed different. As I was walking through the crowd I saw many faces I'd seen before. The barber enjoying his day off, our neighbors, the old woman across the street, pretty much most of the town were in the square. Then I saw her.

Her hair was all pushed to one side and clipped with a blue bow. She wore a mosaic type of jumper with an embroidered lace robe over it and clunky combat boots. She was standing across from me watching the street performer. I couldn't take my eyes off of this mystery girl. Her smile lit up the whole world, and even from far away you could see how deep blue her eyes were. I was beginning to get lost in them, but suddenly they made contact with mine.

My heart jumped to my stomach as her stare was intertwined with mine. I thought I should look away but I couldn't. I was completely frozen. I figured she was going to walk over and scream at me for staring, but she didn't. She smiled and waved at me, then stuck her tongue out and laughed at herself. I laughed with her and she motioned me to come over to her.

At first I strongly told myself not to because I'd just make a fool of myself and she would probably never speak to me again, but I decided that she was different then other people and definitely worth the time. I quickly walked through everyone and as I passed the man with the guitar, I gave him my penny and he nodded a thank you towards me. Next thing I knew, mystery girl was standing in front of me with her bright lovely smile painted on her face.

She was staring at me for a moment until she said, "Do you like music?"

I don't know why this was the first thing she said to me but I responded with a simple, "Yes."

"Well I couldn't tell. You were more entranced with me than the guitar." She said as I could feel my face turn beat red with embarrassment. "My names Anna, I'm gonna be here for a couple days with my grandparents. I think we should hang out. No one here seems like you, I like you. What's your name?"

She says a lot and quickly but it interested me. "My name is Michael, and I think I like you too, Anna." She smiled again and blushed which made me nervous. I had never liked a girl, and I hardly know this one. Why do I like her so much?

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2015 ⏰

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