a spark

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I don't think I can ever forget that morning, The air was suffocating

                   And people were agitated, but for good reason. The mafia from the north and south were going to have a brawl next month, everyone knew but pretended not to.

          The sound of the market was loud but silent at the same time, business was going on as usual or rather more than usual, and people were buying food in bulk and stocking up on supplies


"uncle why are we here" I asked,
        While scratching his hair and moving hurriedly he replied "we need supplies, there are trying times coming"

                 Ahhh we're hoarding too

The mood seemed even worse as we walked by, I could hear the whispers

"It's that magic kid..... why isn't he dead yet"

" we can't trust a child with that much power, what if he is a spy from the other side"

" but he's always so well behaved? ".....

"that's what they want you to think, uki don't play with that boy he's dangerous"....

"ok mum"

"I think he can hear us , he keeps glaring at me let's walk away"

" Freak of nature "

"Monster "

"Ugly opharn"

"I guess it runs in the family "

"Imbecile "

        My uncle started walking faster and faster, not slowing down, even for a second.

              We were done shopping ,so there was no point staying any longer lest we might start a riot, it was finally summer but the mood was reversed.


Later that day

My uncle had a meeting with important people. It was in that weird house on the hill, with the field outside. My uncle wanted me to come in as well but they wouldn't let me.
      "Go be a good boy and wait out in the field ok, when I'm done I'll come to fetch you and you can all can go home together," he said before two men roughly pushed my uncle into the building.

Being scared for my uncle's safety and mine, I had to wait in the sunflower field.
    It helped me forget for a second that my life and uncle were in possible danger. it was always  so beautiful in summer,

      the flowers,

               the clean air,

                            the birds,

                                    the trees,

                               nature, life

                                    Life Is Everywhere

                           It was all so peaceful, so peaceful that I had the urge to just roll down the hill

                        and I did,

                   until I bumped into someone, 

It Burns So Good (shy Yamini x luca kaneshiro) mafia auWhere stories live. Discover now