1 - Different and Powerful

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Once upon a time, there was a girl named Ava who was unlike any other. She had always known she was different. While other girls her age were obsessing over makeup and boys, Ava was more interested in reading books on mythical creatures and practicing her magic spells.

One day, Ava was walking through the park when a boy approached her. "You're not like other girls, are you?" he said, looking her up and down. Ava rolled her eyes, already fed up with this type of comment.

"What was your first clue?" she retorted, "The horns or the tail? Moron." With that, she summoned her powers and disappeared, leaving the bewildered boy alone in the park.

Despite facing judgment and criticism from those around her, Ava never lost sight of who she was. Her unique abilities and perspective helped her to navigate life in her own way, and she eventually found a community of like-minded individuals who accepted her for who she was.

In the end, Ava proved that being different is not a weakness, but a strength. And that those who embrace their individuality and stand up to the narrow-minded opinions of others can truly make a difference in the world.

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