Chapter 1: the move in

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There was this young couple who lived down the street , they have just moved in. They were unpacking there stuff form the truck, and the neighbours next to them came over.
But they didn't come over with a smiling face of welcome, they came with a deadly face go away. They were asking if they might need help unpacking, but they said they are fine.
But it looked like the neighbour wasn't going to take a no for an answer they were determined to do it, so they took a box and said which room. With a side smile, they said in there to the left. When they headed in there mouth dropped there were so confused on what was going on.
But they shrugged it of and thought it was a nice thing for them to do.
After they all unpack the stuff , the new owners said," by the way my name is Stacy and this is my boyfriend mat" . Nice to meet you Stacy my name is Mary and this is my husband Mark we live next to you.
Stacy thought to her self, these can't be the bad people we have heard of they don't seem like people who run there neighbours of. They don't seem like bad people, it doesn't look like they would hurt anyone.
That was what they thought but they didn't know who they really are .
"To welcome you guys into your new home why don't you come over to ours and have a lovely cup of tea isn't that right mark" said Mary giving a disturbing grin to her husband.
"We would love to" said Stacy. When they entered the house it was really pretty and lovely but she felt like something was wrong. She could fell something isn't right, but she shrugged it of and sat down whiles they were having there tea mark needed to go to the toilet and he went.
But out of know we're there was a massive scream coming from the basement but all of a sudden....

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