Part 1

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Focused on Maverick as he was talking to Angela, I was preparing myself on how to approach him. I split second, Looked away. When I looked back, Maverick was already walking out the door. Quickly, I slid off the stool and sped walked to catch up with him. Thankfully, he was not that far ahead. Loud enough for him to hear me, but soft enough for no one else from the pub to. It was past nine at night on Friday, and considering it was one of the most loved ones it was always packed.

"Maverick" I repeated again and stopped walking. He turned around. When he saw me, who looked on both sides which were empty and partly too dark to see in. Whilst he cautiously made sure no one saw us talking, I sat down at the edge of the porch slightly behind the wall of the pub and waited. Having sat next to me on the porch on the other side where he couldn't be seen.

"Not to rush you or anything, but my friend Roger and his family are waiting for me. I promised I'd help them and I don't want to break that promise again, so can we talk about this when I come back?"

"Maverick I'm pregnant" He froze in confusion. I rolled my eyes before I continued, "You're the father Maverick."

"What do you mean you're pregnant?"

"I mean right now I have a foetus the size of a peanut growing in my body and before you ask, I know the baby's your because you are the only guy I've had been intimate with the past six weeks" he leaned forward to check if anyone was exiting the pub or for anyone out at night. Coast was clear. Waiting for a response that probably wasn't going to happen, instead I watched as he rubbed his hand together back and forth and the nervousness from his face. Eventually he stopped rubbing his hands.

"We used protection." I turned my head to him staring out into space. "We both knew sleeping together was a bad idea." I stated, causing him to turn to me. Locked eyes, I could see a small amount of anger in his eyes, but more concern overall.

"But we still did it." He said before turning his head and looking up. "Listen I really have to go-"

"Go away as in you're going to come back or go as in you do what you usually do and abandon when things become too complicated?" I questioned him following his movement as he stood up.

"I am not my father".

"Maverick I never said you were. I am saying I know you and I know that you steal, lie, blackmail and have a habit of disappearing. Don't worry though, you don't need to be involved, but I am having this baby." I explained then stood up. He quickly got up and held my hand stopping me and turned me around.

"I am going to be involved in my child's life, but right now..."

"You promised your friend and you have to go." I finished his sentence. He closed his mouth as he turned to me and let out a sigh. Silent both of us wondering how this all happened in the first place.

Three Months Earlier

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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