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The man I desire the most has only seen me a few times. I feel he barely knows who I am; he makes a point to say something to me. However, I think I am just another female he sees in passing.

I stand in a room with a bunch of other women. Lined up in no particular order, casually in conversation as he enters the room. Filling the room with a strange intensity that's not quite off-putting but eerie. He starts talking to the women closest to him, gives them all the same attention, and then they leave. He continues down the line until he reaches me. He smiled and hugged me, but our words were kept short. I received no instruction to leave and continued to stand in this room as he made his way down the line. I was the only one in the room with him when he was done. 

He is taller than me in heels, with a glowing and cheerful personality. He fills any room he enters with joy and draws out the most fulfilling feeling inside anyone. But, when he's serious and intensely focused, the room's atmosphere shifts to an overwhelming sensation. In an instant, everything changes. His endless eyes of pure joy go to a sharp distant focus. He doesn't know that seeing him switch for the first time caused an intense desire to learn more about him. It's alluring and holds my mind captive. 

I am a voluntary prisoner in this room with him. 

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