Chapter 8

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I recognised a few faces of high born fae but the majority of these people were strangers who probably jumped at the chance to party in the palace. With each step I took towards my sister, the magic in my veins roared back to life. What I felt was more than anger, I was so mad at my sister that I felt numb to the world around me. While I may have seemed calm on the outside, my now glowing skin showed I was anything but. The fae around me stepped to the side creating a pathway straight to my sister. I ignored the gaping mouths and whispers as I passed each one, too focused on my little sister wearing one of my mothers dresses. I was mad at her, I was mad at these people, heck I was even mad at myself for neglecting her so much that she resorted to this. As she spun around on the table swigging from a bottle of wine, it was like I was looking at a mirror image of myself. That was how I coped with grief my whole life. Partying with strangers and losing myself along the way. I didn't recognise this person before me. Nuri had never behaved like this, she was always the perfect one.

The music cut out right as I stopped in front of the table upon which my sister danced. My sister stilled, confusion dropped from her face when she turned and made eye contact with me. She noted my glowing skin and smirked.

"Hello sister." She knocked back another mouthful of wine. "Come to join the party?" She reached out an arm offering me the bottle. A small part of me wanted to accept the bottle and wash away all memory of this version of my sister.

"Nuri....get down" I said through gritted teeth. "Now"

Nuri smiled again. "Suit yourself." She shrugged and gulped another mouthful.

"This party is over. Everyone go home." I said loudly enough for those close enough to hear. The others would get the message and follow. The people around us slowly started to make their way to the exit, this would be the latest gossip to work it's way around the high borns, some of them would no doubt put their own spin on things. Nuri climbed down, slamming the wine bottle on the table before storming past me.

"Thanks. You always have to ruin everything." She spat.

"What is that suppose to mean?" I whirled to face her.

"Well let's see..." she turned back to face me. Wobbling on her feet. "You had our parents worried sick running around doing god knows what, with god knows who" she gestured wide, unsteady on her feet. "Just partying and fucking whoever you want"

I balked. That last part caught me off guard. I almost choked on the air. "Nuri. Stop."

"Then you go and hook up with the one fucking person you're not supposed to ever go near." She raised her voice. My magic begged to be released. But I pushed it down. You belong to me. I Refused to listen. I would not harm my sister. Not now. Not ever.

"You had Xander wrapped around your finger just like everyone else! He fucking died because of YOU! Because he would do anything for YOU!" Tears began spilling from her eyes and from mine. I froze up. I could do nothing, say nothing. "My parents are dead because of YOU, because you only ever think about yourself!" My heart cracked. Even more than It already has these past weeks because she was right. I did do this. This was my fault but the blame wasn't all on me. The dark fae and their scheming contributed, and for that I will make them pay. I will make them wish they hadn't betrayed my trust. I silently vowed to seek my revenge. For myself, for my sister, brother and parents they will pay.

"NURI." A voice over her shoulder called. Yetta approached. "That is enough. Your sister has been through a lot"

Nuri let out a humorous laugh. "Yes because everything revolves around Aurora. Everything always has to revolve around Aurora." She wobbled on her feet again this time holding her head.

"Nuri, please, go and rest and we will talk about everything tomorrow when you are sober." I pleaded.

Another humorous laugh escaped her.
"Are you even sorry?!" She stumbled towards me. My magic braced for attack but I forced it away.

"You destroyed our family, do you even care?!" She screamed I'm my face.

"Of course I do." My voice came out like a pathetic whisper. Shame. Shame was all I felt. I let Xander down, I let my sister and parents down. It doesn't matter if she ever forgives me because I will never forgive myself.

"Then where have you been?! Where have you been when I needed you?!. Everyone has needed you." Her voice became quieter. A sob escaped her. Her question was valid. I should of been there. Should of pushed aside my own feelings to be there for her. But I've been too wrapped up in trying to control this magic. I'm trying to make sure her and every other light fae in this realm stays protected.

"I've been dealing with this." I said. Feeling defeated I raised my arms. Revealing what has been plaguing me the most. Chains of golden light wrapped around my arms and disappeared around my waist. The manifestation of the magic inside me that has a hold on me when it should be the other way around. I would need to find a way to undo each link in the chain to ever have this completely under my control. An impossible task for the girl that should have never been Queen. The chains faded but the light remained coating my skin.

"I'm sorry Nuri, I am...I should have been there for you. I know that. But my priority right now is making sure that you and the rest of the light fae stay protected from those creatures. And I cannot do that if I can't control this magic"

"It should have been you." Nuri stated. Her words hit like a blow to the chest.

"Nuri! That is enough. You have had too much to drink. I think you should take yourself off to bed before you say something else you regret." Yetta tried to steer her towards the door but she shrugged out of her grasp.

"You." Nuri huffed. "You've always been on her side. You're nothing but a maid."

I rushed to put myself between Yetta and Nuri. "You can take your anger out on me all you like but don't you ever talk to Yetta like that." I warned.

Nuri stepped closer to me, I could feel her breath on my face as she said "you can't use her to replace your dead mother." I heard the crack of a slap before I realised what I did. I struck my sister across the face. I was ashamed of myself seconds after I did it. Hearing her disrespect Yetta like that made me react in a way I instantly regretted. Nuri held her reddening face. Tears filling in her eyes. I wanted to drop to my knees and beg for forgiveness but I just stood there frozen.

"Come Aurora. Both of you should get some sleep. You should talk tomorrow." Yetta tugged me towards the door. I peered down at my hands, the light had disappeared. The magic had finally retreated. I stopped outside the door.

"Stay with her Yetta. Doesn't matter what she says, she needs you more than I do right now."

Yetta rubbed my arm reassuringly and nodded.

"Everything will be okay." She said before turning back towards Nuri.

I zoned out on my walk back to my room. I ignored my guards Ivan and Andrias who have still been following my brothers orders and guarding me. I suspected Callahan had told them to resume their duty when my brother passed. I made no effort to change that decision since I've grown quite fond of seeing their faces. Ivan's stone faced expression and Andrias's warm smile. My brother chose them for a reason so I will keep them around for as long as they wished to stay. When I got to my room, I dropped to the ground and sobbed and sobbed until sleep came and relieved me from the worries of the world.

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