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nothing new go read sweet home Alabama 

nothing new go read sweet home Alabama 

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Liya A Tamar June 16

Currently im with my boyfriend and he beats me alot because of me nd ddots relationship  "STOP HANGIN WITH THAT NIGGA" Kyle Kay Flocks lil Brother said while punchin me I shook my head no I was with him for a month and this was not acceptable. "GET UP" He yelled I already knew what was about too happen he was about to rape me he always does this thats why I already texted edot to pull up he knew what Kay flock lil brother looked like so he was going too be pissed. As he was taking my shirt off Edot and Ddot busted through the door so I started to punch kick yank Kyle I'm tired of being Raped, Beaten, Used, I was tired of being tired and I was not having it. I was hearing loud ass footsteps and I knew it was kevin aka Kay flock "Why they in here Liya" Kevin said as he looked at me then them like a glare I guess. BOOM was heard as Kevin collapsed I shot him in the leg.

"Lets go HURRY UP" I said as I tied Kay flock up for jaaliyah. She been wanting to get at him for what he said 


I was on live nd people was like "Who's carter" how could they know then someone said Kay flock made a song called "FUCK CARTER"


I listened to the song the verse we as in me nd jaa hated the most was

"Fuck Carter he died cause his daddy on lean got choked wit a kite all in his spleen"

Like what??


Carter was my baby brother I just wish he was here 

The End 







Sike Fuck Kay flock he ain't comin home haha

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