Season 1 Episode 1

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{Y/N's POV}

The annoying sound of my alarm, it never stops it's always going off at random points of the day and it annoys me so much.
    It's constantly waking my daughter up before she actually needs to get up and then she's cranky all day and she's a total brat.

   She's always wanting to go to the park but it's always cold out so today when I saw the weather was supposed to be in the seventies all day I thought why not, though she has to clean up her toys from last night and eat her breakfast then we can go.
   Even though she is only three she's going to pick up all her toys after she's done with them, I don't want her to end up like my siblings and think she could get anything she wants and be lazy, I had to do everything in my house I would always be the one cleaning and I would still be called lazy, my parents would always say that the younger siblings always look up to their older siblings but if they did they wouldn't be lazy.

  Though she throws a fit when she has to pick up her toys she still does it and so she doesn't end up like my siblings she doesn't always get things for doing it.

  My daughter is three I was seventeen when I had her, her father wanted nothing to do with her, he wanted me to get an abortion but I refused, my parents didn't support my choice and they kicked me out but I was able to stay with a friend for a while till I saved up enough for my own little apartment.
   I named my daughter after my favorite teacher, she helped me through everything, she would help me when I needed things for Jenny, Jenny is my daughter, my favorite teachers name is Jennifer.
   I couldn't afford much so she would give me her kids old baby clothes they were nice clothes though.
  Growing up I lived in a small city with many dispensaries, there was basically one on every corner. My parents were toxic they treated me like shit and would mentally abuse me they thought my brothers were perfect angles.
   My brothers weren't, not only did my parents mentally abuse me my brothers physically abused me.
   I never understood why they did this, why did they treat me like this?

  I was glad to be pregnant, I honestly knew that my parents wouldn't approve, I knew that they would kick me out.
   I'm thankful for my daughter, though she'll probably never really know why I'm glad that she came into my life when she did.

I knew I would have my friends there by my side, they supported me through everything and knew what I have been through.

  We would always joke around and tell each-other to take one for the team, most of us were gay but Jenny's dad was a drunken hook, I'm gay have always been gay will always be gay but I guess I was just so drunk on that night that we hooked up.

  I moved to New York just last week for my new job, and Jenny's been begging to go to the park so I have to search one up. I've never been to New York and don't know my way around yet, so I do the one thing anyone would do, open google.

  Once Jenny's finishes her breakfast and picks up her toys I pick out her outfit for the day, she may have to clean up after herself but she doesn't quite know how to match things yet and I'm very picky about things matching.
   As soon as I get her shoes on she tries to run out    the door "Jenny wait I still have to get my shoes on goofball".
   As soon as we leave the apartment building Jenny sees a puppy and she tries to go pet it "Jenny! Germs!" I shout
"Sorry mama"

  I pick her up I don't want her walking in a City like this. I look on my phone and see that there's a coffee shop near bye so I decided to go there first. I open the door and go over to the counter, google ratings says this is the best rated place you would think it would be busier but it isn't. I look at the menu and decide on a vanilla cold brew with a shot of espresso.

   I sit Jenny down and grab my coffee but before I can grab her hand she runs off "Jenny!" I shout "this is why we don't run around apologize to her that stuff is hot" I bend down and tell her  before I could even look at the woman.
  "I am so sorry, she's never like this I don't know what's gotten into her today" I say as I stand up and look at the woman.
  I am immediately brought into shock when I come face to face with the woman. "Oh my god, you're Scarlett Johansson, Scarlett freaking Johansson" "yes I am and you're ?" "Y/n Y/L/N and this is my daughter Jenny" I ask Scarlett her coffee order that way I can get her a new coffee she said it's fine but I insisted on it. Scarlett is with a little boy he looks about Jennys age I want to say that might be her son Cosmo.
   "Mommy can Scawett and Coshmo come to the pawrk with us?" Jenny says as I get back to the table fumbling her words and Scarlett and Cosmo's names.
"If she wants to but when we get home you have speech therapy"
"Okay mommy" she then runs back over to Scarlett "Scawett my momma said you guys can go pawrk with us"
"Since it's where we were going to go anyways"
We then both left and walked to the park together Cosmo and Jenny were holding hands skipping down the sidewalk.
"Look their best friends now" Scarlett Laughs

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