New Feelings - Chapter 1 ( "It feels Right")

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It was a typical afternoon at Karasuno High School's volleyball club, but something felt different. Hinata and Kageyama were bickering as usual, while Tsukishima and Yamaguchi observed from the sidelines. However, when Tsukishima caught Yamaguchi's eye, something sparked between them.

As the practice continued, Tsukishima found himself watching Yamaguchi more and more. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but there was something about the way the other boy moved, the way his eyes sparkled when he made a great play. Tsukishima had always been distant and aloof, but something about Yamaguchi drew him in.

At the same time, Kageyama and Hinata were growing closer as well. They had always been rivals, but lately, they seemed to be working together even better than before. Their communication on the court was almost telepathic, and there was a new warmth in their interactions off the court as well.

One day, after practice, Tsukishima found himself alone with Yamaguchi in the locker room. He hesitated for a moment before blurting out, "Do you...want to go out sometime? Like, on a date?"

To his surprise, Yamaguchi didn't seem surprised at all. "I was hoping you'd ask," he replied with a shy smile.

Meanwhile, Kageyama and Hinata had been growing increasingly physical with each other. They would high-five each other after a good play, or bump shoulders in the hallway. But one day, their casual touching turned into something more. Kageyama found himself leaning in to Hinata's space, and before he knew it, their lips were pressed together in a soft kiss.

When they pulled away, Hinata was beaming. "That was amazing," he said breathlessly. "Can we do it again?"

Kageyama nodded, feeling a warmth in his chest that he couldn't quite explain.

As the days went on, the four of them grew closer and closer. They would hang out after practice, or study together at the library. And as they spent more time together, they all began to realize that their feelings for each other went beyond friendship.

One day, they all found themselves at Hinata's house, sprawled out on the couch together. Tsukishima had his head in Yamaguchi's lap, while Kageyama and Hinata were tangled up together on the other end.

"This is nice," Hinata said, sighing happily. "I like having all of us together like this."

Tsukishima nodded in agreement. "Me too. It feels...right, somehow."

There was a moment of silence, and then Yamaguchi spoke up. "Do you guys think...we could be more than friends? Like, all of us together?"

There was a beat of hesitation, and then Kageyama nodded. "I...I think I'd like that."

Hinata's eyes widened. "Really? Me too!"

Tsukishima looked at all of them, feeling a sense of warmth and contentment wash over him. "I'm in," he said simply.

And just like that, they were polyamorous It wasn't always easy, but they made it work. They would hold hands and steal kisses in public, and always make sure to include each other in everything they did. They were a team on and off the court, and nothing could stop them.

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