Part 5 - 'Where were you?'

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Sorry for uploading this a bit late! I hope you guys enjoy this part!


- Yes please..- I spoke softly, seeing everyone else sleeping peacefully. He walked me to my bed, which was a bunk bed shared with my best friend, 264. I could tell by their body posture that they weren't sleeping, but I didn't tell that to the caretaker. The caretaker placed me softly on the bed, and put the blanket over my body. 

- I know that your charm isn't working now, but we will have a new one for you next week. I you no-clip during that time, come back immediately. Understand?- They whispered to me, with a serious look on their face. I nodded my head. He put my plushie next to me and said, - Have a good nights rest.- The caretaker got up, and slowly closed the door. The room was decorated as a nighttime theme, so the sticky glowing stars on the wall fainty illuminated the room. It was rather soothing, even though I don't really have a problem sleeping in the dark. I wonder how 264 is doing.

A minute after the caretaker shut the door, 264 immediately climbed down and shook me violently. - J, where were you? You had no idea how worried I was! They said you were gone, and that they had to send a search party, what- They whispered shouted, with a angry look on their face. 

-R, calm down. I just no-clipped.- I hugged them tightly, they are usually such a positive chatterbox, but I guess I scared the shit out of them. -Don't you want to play a game before we go to bed, then I can tell you what happened in the morning?-

- Of course, why didn't I think of that?- They suddenly changed their expression as if they ignored what just happened. They started quietly ranting about how fun games are, and which games to play.

-Okay, since you just got back, lets play Twiddle fire.- They chuckled, knowing it was my favorite game. -and don't worry, since you clearly are exhausted, I'll go easy on you.-

-Aww, thanks!- I said sarcastically, and R playfully punched my arm. - Are we gonna do this or nah?- They confidently spoke, ready to beat me.

- So, I'mma go over the rules real quick, in case that bump on your head caused memory loss or somethin. We both start at calm fire, and start saying lengthy words. If you make a mistake, then your fire dims out, while the opponents fire increases. Whoever gets the bigger fire in 5 minutes wins.- R spoke carefully, practicing their serious face.

- OK Professor, can we start already?- I asked.

- Sure!- 

*3 minutes in playing Twiddle fire*

-... Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis!- R grinned. - Beat that!-

- I.. um... antidisestablishmentarianism?- I squinted, knowing I already lost.

-Hah, I won!- R cackled, and then I shushed them. They knew I was sensitive to sound, and we were technically supposed to be asleep, so they stopped.

- We should go to be now, or we're going to be in some serious trouble.- I told him. They saluted me as they climbed over on their bed, wrestling the blanket before finally falling asleep. I couldn't sleep however. I still kept thinking of that partygoer, that I met earlier. Would it be possible to meet them again tomorrow? I slapped my forehead, what was I thinking, there was a very small chance that we would ever meet again, considering I can't even get roam freely. But then again, I did have and excuse that I could no-clip at anytime, so it wouldn't hurt to try again tomorrow, right? 

I decided, it was best to decide in the morning, as I pull the sheets over my head, hugging my teddy bear, and try to fall asleep next to the nightlight beside me. I just hope I don't have any nightmares to deal with like I did today.

168 knew that the shadows were watching them, but sometimes, ignorance is bliss. After all, no one ever believed their cries of help anyways.


Authors note:

I know everything seems to be a little boring right now, but don't worry, the interesting part of the story is coming really soon! 

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