what should i say today i should start from the beginning i met this girl we became best friend'
besties she has been by my side an arm to the right or the left side of the body attachments
it's been close to a year iu scream DAMN its been that long like man she' good man she's
great she is everything i wouldnt i couldnt expect this out of from one woman alone
itys like she is the one i cant see myself with a two or a three its about time i found some one
special a gem out of the fakened treasures i thought would blind my eye sight in the very
beginning we are at the middle 9 months after the fact we met i heard her name being said through
the angels singing heavbenly in a thing called church get your praise on so i had to meet and greet her
say hello nice to meet you i'm towan you are who? that's your name you are very beautiful we are
besties til love stpped in like an unwanted visitor but it is wanted i want it like it wasrunning from thye
police department handcuffs shackles man can't handle it but i know in my soul i can
i've been writing ion my diuary this whole time is of the
essence want it now late can come or go but thios is real CANT JUST LET IT BLOW PAST ME this girl woman lady has lots of class
full days of school there is a me anbd a you i write in my diary til i run out of pages book
after book you have me emotions coming a pen that has everlasting ink