Chapter 9 - Calvin

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I know. I know. They're all there already . Probably drinking and getting drunk or whatever. Seriously though, I don't understand why the kid would drink. He's underage. Never mind. 

"Hey Ash? Ash?" I ask, turning around to face one of my boyfriends. 

Ash was deep asleep. I wouldn't blame him though. We're travelling at a bad time. It's around 9pm and we were about to land. I mean, the other actually had time to unpack and party. We won't get that time. But this also saves us from hangovers from the drinking. I know that I can handle alcohol better than Ash but I still can't beat Ace's alcohol tolerance. Coming to this I only now realise that their alcohol tolerance is second to nothing when compared to Black's. That woman can drink all the alcohol in the world and not get drunk. The plane lands swiftly and I wake Ash up. We get off and board the limousine waiting for us outside. Wow does Black know what their doing. I guess this is one of the perks of having a rich family background. Not that they like to brag about their family. They're probably the mot sensitive about the topic of family compared to us. The limousine pulls into a group of buildings and stops. The driver gets off and unloads our luggage while a figure outside opens the door. I carry Ash out and I look at the figure. It was Black. Out of all the people they could have asked but they did it themself. Oh boy this is going to be a fun way to spend the holidays. 


After Black shows us our building. We leave the luggage to a side and walk to the bed. I lay down and pat the bed signalling that Ash should join me. As soon as his head touched the bed, he fell asleep. He must be really tired from the travelling we did. I should get some rest too. Tomorrow, a new day.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this part. I am going to upload character profiles soon and yes I did change some things. Anyways have a great day!!!

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