Hello. I am a middle eastern Lebanese girl. I will tell u a story. A real story, about how I turned from a 15 year old virgin into a slut. I am not a slut. But in this society, sleeping with different guys defines a girl as a whore. It all started from Internet.
I was in 9th grade. Internet was something new to me. I was great at school; an A student. Living in a big suburb of Beirut was anything but interesting. My life was a routine. Going to school, coming home, doing my homework, eating, sleeping... I was in a private school. I was sort of popular but I wasn't much of a social person.
Here i am; signing up tp facebook: a big deal for me. I thought that publishing my photo will be inappropriate, so i uploaded this picture of a red rose.
Wow, an add from a guy from the same last family of mine. I accepted him. I thought it was cool. He said "Hi", and i replied. We started IM'ing. I didn't really like him. in less than a month, he said "I love you". I believed him. I was 14 and the half and he was 24. I believed that age isn't much of a big deal. It was a matter of chatting. Nothing more than a few words through Internet. I said I love you... It was my first... I remember how hard my heart was beating.