462 10 14

TW: foul language, blood/violence, mentions of sexual assault, scenes involving human trafficking, drug use, and character death.

we are now one chapter away from this fic being complete. it's crazy how i started writing this last summer and now we're here. have your tissues ready babes, because after all the angst there will finally be the comfort that you've all been waiting for!

this chapter is the longest one i've ever written, with 17k words. this took me FOREVER to write but i'm proud of how it turned out.

feel free to like, comment or share this story with your friends, as any feedback would be much appreciated!

without further ado, here is chapter 9.

Watanabe Kazuya was far more iniquitous than Sarada could possibly imagine.

     The elevator ride took less than five minutes, and Shiro was quite alacritous in transporting Sarada to the clan leader's office as soon as possible, as it seemed that Kazuya wasn't fond of being kept waiting. The moment the young Uchiha bestowed her onyx irises upon him, she wanted nothing more than to run back to her cell and crawl towards the smallest, darkest corner of the room, hoping to never be found.

     Standing at a whopping seven feet tall, Sarada understood why he was so tremendously feared by the other clansmen, including Shiro, despite his petrifying and nefarious demeanor. Enlarged and thickened muscles lined both Kazuya's arms and legs, much so to where his bicep was larger than Sarada's head. Even while donning a dark pair of shinobi slacks, his perfectly defined quadriceps were easy to detect from the naked eye. His hair style was almost in equivalence to Shiro's—long thickened plait that cascaded down to his chest, except Kazuya's was a striking shade of blonde that nearly rivaled the boldest shade of gold. His facial features were prominent and ostensibly adhered to the male beauty standard despite his foul personality—with tanned, unblemished skin, a sharp jawline, aristocratic nose, high cheek bones and full lips. What stood out to Sarada the most was the vibrant sea-foam green that stirred beneath his alluring irises.

Kazuya peered downward at Sarada with an intensity that had her averting her curious gaze to the floor. It seemed that he wasn't fond of staring, either. He nodded his head at Shiro and the guard that stood beside her. The two of them bowed to their leader before turning on their heels and sauntering towards the back of the room, leaving Sarada to stand alone. She swallowed nervously as Kazuya circled around her, verdigris eyes scanning her from head to two, as if she were a piece of meat ready to be devoured.

"Shiro," the clans member began, voice frighteningly deep. "Where is Masao? I told you to have him assist you in escorting the girl."

Sarada's heart hammered beneath her chest and tumultuously within her ears as a wave of trepidation empowered every fiber of her being. There was no telling how Kazuya would react to the fact that one of his strongest clansmen was killed by a mere prisoner—an Uchiha without access to her chakra. She wanted to run, but her fear kept her frozen in place. Even if she made such a bold choice, she would barely make five feet without being apprehended by Shiro. He was quick to subdue her when she attempted to escape prior to being taken into the mountain.

Shiro's flaxen, serpentine irises flickered briefly to Sarada and then back to his master, "Masao couldn't keep his hands to himself. When I came to her cell, he was dead."

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