1.the beginning of it all

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It all started when some British kid (aka Jamie )moved to Athena's school in 3 grade every one made fun of him because of his accent but she thought it was cool, Athena was a shy kid but when she saw him swinging alone on the swing she knew she had to walk over to him. "hey i'm sorry everyone is picking on you if it makes you feel any better i can fake an accent so it won't just be you they pick on" he looks at the girl who is now sitting the swing next to him "you don't have to do that"  "i don't have to but i will because i happen to love your accent, i'm Athena." he smiles at her as she puts her hand out for him to shake "i'm Jamie"they shake hands "well it's nice to meet you Jamie" he laughs at the girls terrible accent they sit there all recess perfecting her accent after that day they did very thing together all day everyday and she keep true to her word she spoke in the British accent everyday till middle school since nobody really cared about his accent there. They were the best friends everyone was envious of,they were in their own world together just Jamie and Athena that's how it will stay forever and always.

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