Prologue: The start of the trip

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  It all started in the chemistry lab, all of the cookies just chatting and Miss Golden Cheese just standing there and there were only 20 minutes left before the class ended. "Students, I have an announcement to make. Before I would say, can u like stfu pls? 💢" The students stopped talking. "So, I have some news to make. We know that we will have a 1 month school holiday right? Well.. Next Monday, we will have a one week school trip!" The students happily shouted.

"LET'S GOOOO!!!!!"

"Hey! *shhhh* don't u dare make any noise. *Ehem* anyways."
"Miss, what places will we be going?" Yogurt Cream Cookie asked. "Well, rich boy. We will go to The mountains, The resort, The museum and The aquarium"
"None of these are fun" Yogurt Cream Cookie glares.
"Well, don't come to the trip then"
"A-" Lilac Cookie sighs cuz of Yogurt Cream Cookie's words
"Miss, what activities do we have during the trip? " Lotus Dragon Cookie asked.
"We will find out soon. And one more thing, I will tell the PRS to give all of u guys the permission paper of allowance to go. K, I don't have anymore words so u can go to your own class." The students otw to their class and doing stuff. Chatting, playing, doing their homework or any stuff. Later on, there's a PRS student knocking on the door. It was actually Sea Fairy Cookie.
"Who's the class leader in this class?" Sea Fairy asked. "It was me." Lotus Dragon Cookie raises their arm.
"Now, give this to all of ur classmates."
"Oh alright." Lotus then give the permission letters to all of them.
"What iss thiss?" Snake Fruit, the class leader assistant asked.
"This is the permission letter, don't u remember when Miss GC explained?"
"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Alsso, do u have to ssign it?"
"Well of course lah. I also wanted to tell Hydrangea to sign it."
The bell rings and the students went home.

(End of prologue)

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