Chapter 1 Prologue: The path to Hogwarts

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" Estelle look out! "

Was the last thing she heard, her childhood best friend Rebecka calling out for her.

It had been snowing earlier that day, the fresh snow covering the ice road like a blanket. Even the news reporters on tv and the internet had warned people to be careful on the road earlier that morning. Of course, for Norwegians every winter would be like this, so it was nothing new. However, each winter there would always be someone meeting an unfortunate fate due to the rough Norwegian winters.

Estelle had just finished her class at the University. She had planned on going to get some coffee after such a long and horrible day of just constant writing taking notes. Sadly, on her way back to the student apartments, she got into an accident. A car had lost traction, causing it to slide off course and onto the pedestrian walkway. Unfortunately for Estelle, she and Rebecka were walking there, resulting in a collision.

" Estelle? "

Slowly regaining her consciousness, could she hear an unfamiliar voice call out to her.

" You're right, I saw her moving her eyelids, just now. She is really waking up! "

Another unfamiliar voice was heard. Is it the nurses of the hospital? Estelle thought to herself as she tried to open her eyes. Never had they felt so heavy, it was almost a challenge in itself to lift up her eyelids. Once she managed to open her eyes slowly, she was met with the bright sunlight, making her vision blurry. It took time for her eyes to adjust. After a few moments of blinking, were her eyes finally able to focus. That's when she caught the sight of a woman and standing next to her was a younger female.

From the looks of the ceiling, it wasn't the hospital. As it was made out of old wood, almost seeming medieval style, nor could she hear those annoying machines that made those beeping sounds every second. The two females in the room with her didn't look anything like nurses from the hospital either. Both wore clothings as if they had just come out of a fantasy book or some sort of cosplay event, which made Estelle confused about what had happened while she was unconscious.

" Where am I? "

Estelle asked but was quickly taken back by the sound of her own voice. Even with a hoarse voice, did she not recognise the sound of her own voice. It was too light, too pitch, too soft, nothing like she remembered it to be.

" Estelle, my poor, sweet child. You are finally awake. "

The woman who stood there came closer to her, before leaning in to give her a gentle hug. Of course, it took Estelle completely off guard as she didn't expect to get a hug from a stranger, however, she returned the hug with a confused face expression.

" Mother, I do not believe she knows what is going on. It almost seems like she does not recognise us. "

The younger female spoke, with a worried face expression.

" Don't be ridiculous, Celeste. Estelle you do know who we are, right? " The woman slowly pulled away from the hug, as she gave Estelle a warm smile.

" I- "

Estelle paused for a moment. One reason was because it was weird listening to her own voice, second she didn't know what to say. That's when Estelle finally came to realize that something wasn't right, she even had a gut feeling about it.

" I really do not know where I am or who you two are... I deeply apologize. "

Estelle saw how the smile of the woman in front of her faded till she ended up with a worried face expression as well. Before, the woman could say anything the door opened, revealing a man, followed by a younger boy.

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