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Liliths POV:

I have been seeing edalyns strange behavior, she won't eat can't sleep, thank god is summer vacation or she would fail, eda is always in bed with he same goofy ass smile with always looking in her phone but won't show me, her sister. she's always red, and burning up, I'm starting to think she's sick, the only time I see her get out if bed is when Raine comes over, it's so weird! I've never seen her act like this before. "Edalyn! Come eat! I made pasta!" As I expected all I heard back was "I'm not hungry" I rolled my eyes, she hasn't eaten in weeks, not that IV seen anyway. So I called Darius to come look at her since he is studying medicine and science. "Well? It's weird isn't it?" Darius scratches his head "actually Raine has been the same way" after saying that Darius realised what was wrong "Lilith, your sister and Raine are simply experiencing a little crush"  Lilith opens eda's door and they see her hugging a pillow face red with he same goofy ass smile "a crush?! I'd say more of madly and hopelessly in love, lovesick even!" Darius agrees with her  "now that I think about it Raine has been talking to themselves describing the same girl all hours of the day, and what I remember they said umm, care free, lovely orange hair, simply perfect and umm, they say this the most often, uhh oh um just plain hot" Lilith looks at Darius then at eda. "Darius, I think Raines talking about edalyn! They have always been close and regularly seemed to want something, well more. " now that I think back eda does the same thing she looks at pictures of her phone and says random words to like, umm.. Oh, adorable, kind, musical and umm dorky!" They both give each other a evil smile "I can tell were having the same idea right now" Darius nods "we're going to put them in a situation where they have to admit their feelings for each other and embarrass them while we do it?" Lilith nods and escorts him out, already getting the plan ready.

Edas POV: I've been looking at pictures of them for hours, each time I slide I become more captivated, more hypnotized by their looks, more in love. I think I heard darius here, but I didn't really care, untill I heard them say the word lovesick. Couldn't be me! Could it? I was thinking to my self  I help my phone to my chest, and thought about my best friend but wishing we were more, the more I thought of Raine the more I fell in love with them, some how that's possible! I've loved Raine since high school but never let it show ,  only because I thought they would think less if me for getting so sappy. Next thing I know I hear my sister come in my room "edalyn l! Darius and Raine are comming over for a sleepover, you should get ready" my heart stopped right then "r-raine?!"  My sister gave me the most devilish smile. " yeah? Is that a problem?" I put a pillow to my face to hide my muffled bi panic" I later got in the shower and out on my pj's a red shirt that said 'I may be 20 but I'm still sexy' and some black pants, is this to much? I thought to myself, so I put my hair in a messy ponytail just in case, for that extra Confidence.

Raine POV:
Darius had totally betrayed me! I was going to a sleep over with eda and Lilith with being given a choice! And put me in the most ridiculous pajamas  , they were light blue with music notes and with matching shirts, SHORTS!! I was going to be with eda all night! In fucking shorts.. I felt as if I was gonna die right then we got to eda and liliths dorm and Darius made me knock, I hoped Lilith would answer so I could prepare my self for eda's stunning beauty, but nope life literally said "fuck you" and eda answered the door, and when I saw her shirt I almost died right then, only become I knew it was true, I've been reading a book on pick up lines lately and it seems to work for other peope, so why not me. We walked in and they had a nice area set up in their living room. Sleeping bags set up pillows all around. Snacks set up on a table, it was really fun looking so I lightened up. We all sat down talking g and enjoying each other company, but all I could do was look at eda's shirt, got it was so true. Because damn  if heaven really does exist, that's her native land because oh my fucking god shes hot.

Darius's POV:

Everything was going just as planned I gave Raine s book full of cheesy pick lines and flirts, I knew they would try them on eda, when Raine set their bag down I saw them flipping through the book, I thought they would use a light one for their first go but no, I wasn't prepared for what they used "hey eda" eda turned to Raine not ready for what they were gonna say next "besides being sexy what else do you do for a living?" I cringed when they said that, I could see eda blushing, but started giggling "what the hell! Raine come on!" She was clearly flustered. Every 5 minutes Raine would use another luck up line like " are you a parking ticket? Because you've got fine written all over you" god it was so cheesy, but every line eda would giggle and tell them to stopstop,  but from what Lilith had told me even though eda was confident, tough a d independent she was a sucker for dorky and cheesy things like this.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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