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A/n: I tried to do a 3rd persons POV but I'm not used to writing those so forgive me if it sucks ass.

⚠️warning⚠️: mention of self harm

3rd persons POV: The rain got harder as Kyla walked alone in tears. Little did she know that the guy she liked was right along side her comforting her and making her feel safe.

Jonathan's (Jimmy Uso) POV: Sweat trickled down my forehead. I brought the back of my hand up and wiped it away. Jey, Jade, Naomi, and I had just won the wrestling match. Together, we headed backstage to cool down. I said, "Good job, guys. We all did great out there." Jey replied, "Yeah, I agree. It was a bit of a tough one, but we got it." Just as we were talking, footsteps resonated from nowhere, grabbing our attention. I turned my head to see a familiar woman. It was Nikki Bella. Nikki said, "Naomi, Jey, and Jimmy congrats on your win. Let's talk over here and get away from this ugly rat." She pulls us away from Jade and I see Jade walking to her locker room looking a little sad. I felt myself getting angry at what Nikki had just said to her. I turned to Nikki and said, "What's your problem, Nikki? Why did you say that to Jade? That was very insolent of you." Nikki scoffed and replied, "Well, first off, I don't trust her at all. She's not pretty, and she's not even that good of a wrestler. Plus, she's also here to steal all of the girls' boyfriends, from what I've heard." I couldn't believe the audacity coming from Nikki. Even Naomi and Jey were disconcerted by what Nikki had said. Naomi said, "I don't know what makes you think like that of Jade, but you're very wrong about her. And also, rumors are rumors, and that's definitely not true about Jade. She's not the kind of person who would do such a thing." Jey nods his head in agreement. He said, "Also, Jade's a pretty good wrestler, as a matter of fact way better than you are. I think you're only saying that because you're jealous of her." I see Savannah walking over and she says "Hey Jimmy, Jey, and Naomi." We wave hi and she says "Hey Naomi have you seen Jade we are supposed to be carpooling together. I thought I saw her walking past here." Naomi replies, "Yea. She's in her dressing room." Savannah nodded and responded, "What's wrong Naomi you're not naturally angry. What happened?" I was going to say something but Naomi cut me off replying to Savannah, "Nikki called Jade an ugly rat first of all. Second of all, she was saying things like I don't trust Jade, Jade's not pretty, and Jade's not even that good at wrestling. Then she said that Jade is only here to steal all of the girls' boyfriends. Apparently that's what she heard. So I responded to her by saying I don't know what makes you think like that of Jade, but you're very wrong about her. Rumors are rumors, and that's definitely not true about Jade. Jade's not the kind of girl who would do a thing like that." I noticed that Savannah was pissed and said "Nikki, I can't believe you would say that about Jade. That girl is nothing but a pure soul. She's so nice to everyone. You and everyone else who hates on her have no idea what she's been through. You're just jealous because a guy doesn't want her for her body like John wants you for yours. I'm glad Brie is nothing like you." She faced Naomi and said "Anyway I'll see you and the boys later. We have to get ready to drive to the hotel. Maybe if we get there early enough we can get into our rooms early." Naomi giggled and responded, "Hey, that's a good idea, maybe we should do that. Anyway, go make sure that Jade is ok. If we get lucky we might get to room together." Savannah replied, "Yea let's hope. Anyway bye, y'all." We waved bye and then me, Jey, and Naomi went to the locker room that we shared and we packed up our bags so we can just drive to the hotel since we're already in California. We exited the locker room and left the building to get to our car to put our bags in the back of the trunk, and then take a seat inside the vehicle. I was in the driver's seat, Jey sat next to me in the front, and Naomi sat in the rear. I put the keys in the ignition and drove off to head over to the hotel which wasn't so far from where we were currently. I pulled up to a large building I recognized as the hotel and parked the car in the main parking lot. Jey, Naomi, and I went out of the car and grabbed our stuff from the trunk. We then walked towards the hotel and entered the premises. We headed to the front check-in desk where a lady typing on the computer was. From another counter, were Jade and Savannah checking in. The two girls waved at us, and then confronted us. Savannah said, "Hey guys, we just checked in. And oh, Naomi, by the way, you're sharing a room with me and Jade." Naomi replied, "That's great! We're all roomies!" Savannah then adds, "Oh, and just a heads up, we're also sharing a room with Nikki.... I just saw her head up earlier without us." Naomi appeared shocked but didn't say anything in response. Meanwhile, the lady at the front desk peered up from her computer screen, and asked, "Hello, how can I help you two today?" She was referring to me and Jey. I responded, "We're here to get our keys to our rooms." The woman nods her head and tells us to wait a minute as she types on her computer. She then stops typing and rises up from her seat to walk over to a shelf filled with various room keys that were behind her. She grabbed the keycards and handed them over to me, and Jey. After we got our keys, we all headed to the elevator to go to our rooms. When we got to the third floor, I noticed how Naomi, Jade, and Savannah went off to another room, while me and Jey shared a room across from the room that the three girls entered. Jey and I entered our room and placed our stuff down to unpack. Jey asked, "Hey, Jimmy, can we head over to the pool and chill out? I bet the girls will be there, too." I nodded my head, and replied, "Sure thing. Let's just get ourselves changed in our swim shorts after we're done unpacking." Once Jey and I finished unpacking our belongings, I put on a pair of swim shorts. Jey and I exited our room and locked the door with our keycard. We headed to an elevator, and then made our way over to the pool that was outback from the hotel exterior-wise. As we got out, I saw a few people chilling out at the pool, and the first thing my eyes laid on was Jade in her bikini hanging out with Savannah and Naomi. Jey and I took a seat over at the chaise lounges. I glance over in Jade's direction to stare at her. I couldn't help myself because she was a very beautiful woman. Savannah seemed to have noticed and excused herself to head toward my direction. I quickly averted my eyes away from Jade's direction, and before I knew it Savannah was right in front of me. She said, "Don't be acting like you weren't just staring at Jade. I know you like her, and I think you should ask her out. It wouldn't hurt to try." She gives me a smile. I replied, "I mean, I guess I could..." Savannah encouraged me. She said, "You got this Jimmy." I was nervous about what Jade's reaction would be if I asked her out. I wasn't certain if she had felt the same exact way about me. I guess I'll find out. I gave Savannah a small smile and walked over toward Jade who was speaking with Naomi. I then said, "Hey, Naomi, sorry to interrupt you two, but could I talk to Jade." Naomi turned to me, and replied, "Oh, sure thing." She gives a quick glance over to Jade before leaving. I asked, "Hey, Jade. I was wondering... Would you go out with me?" Jade's expression showed shock, and she replied, "Yes. I'd love to." Without thinking, I leaned in and kissed her on the lips, and then quickly pulled away when I realized what I just did. I said, "I'm sorry I–" Jade cuts me off by kissing me back on the lips. I was astonished and wasn't honestly expecting it. She pulls away and smiles at me. Jade didn't even have to tell me in words. Her body language gave it away that she felt the same way for me as I did for her. I cupped her cheek, and kissed her deeply again, not realizing that our friends were encircling us and letting out cheers. I grabbed her by her waist and pulled her closer to me and whispered in her ear, "I was worried that you wouldn't want to go out with me. I've always liked you ever since you walked through the arena and the first match you had." She smiled and responded to me, "I was worried that you wouldn't ask me out because a few weeks ago I told Naomi that I've always had feelings for you but then Nikki came in and said that you wouldn't date me and I thought about it and I was worried that if you found out about what happened to me in my past then you wouldn't want me. I'm glad that we're a thing now. Just promise me one thing." I replied, "Anything! Tell me." She responded, "Promise me that no matter what happens we'll always have each other's back and we'll be able to talk things out. Also promise me that you won't cheat on me, or leave me to go be with someone else. It's one of the main reasons why I have such a small friend group and I was single was being the keyword since we're dating now." Firmly, I said, "I promise, Jade. With all of my heart." She smiled and kissed me again. I kissed her back. The kiss lasted for a short time as everyone was watching us. She noticed that everyone was staring at us and she said, "You guys are weird. I'm done for the night. I'm also cold and I want to get changed into some nice clothes." I said "Yea I agree. I want change to in something more comfortable. Jey I'll see you up in the room." He nodded and me and Jade got out of the pool and wrapped towels around our waist. Once we got out of the pool I see Nikki walking towards us and when she sees me and Jade walking together holding hands she comes up to us and she grabs Jade's arm and says "He doesn't want you. You're ugly." Then she pushed Jade and Jade started falling and I said "Woah! I got you princess." Before she fell in the pool I was right there to catch her. She smiled and said "Thank you baby. Let's get out of here cause we need to change and get ready for training tomorrow." I nodded and we walked to our rooms hand in hand. Once we got to our rooms I kissed her and she kissed me and left. I walked in my room and I changed into something comfortable. I could hear Jade talking to someone and then I hear a bang and I ran to Jade's room with my keycard and said "Jade babygirl are you ok?" She was crying and groaning like she was hurt and when her door opened I see Natalya, Paige, Sasha Banks, Kofi Kingston, Roman Reigns , and Xavier Woods all leaving her room and I ran to her side and she was crying. I held her in my arms and said 'Babygirl it's ok I'm right here." She laid her head in my arms and I put her on the bed and we stayed there cuddling. She looked at me and said, "If I show you something that I haven't showed everyone else yet except for maybe like Savannah, and Naomi will you be mad at me cause I did it all of my life and I want to stop but people like make Nikki make me keep going. I did this all of my life in high school and in middle school." I said "I won't be mad at you. You have me now so you don't need to worry about me going anywhere anytime soon. Show me." She rolled up her sleeves and her arms were filled with cuts. I saw some recent ones and there was one that she did on her left arm that started bleeding so I wrapped it up. She sat there looking down at the floor and I said, "Babygirl I'm not mad at you. It happens. I'm here now and I'll try to help you out with your depression. After training tomorrow me and you are going to the store to pick out diary's and journals so we can write what we feel. How does that sound?" She said "That sounds like a good idea. I would love that. It's getting late you better get back to your hotel room. I'll see you tomorrow baby." She kisses me and I hand her my phone. I said, "Text me if you need anything. Even if you want to cuddle just text me and I'll be right over." She put her number in and I kissed her goodbye and went to my room. Once I got back to my room I see my brother Joshua Fatu aka Jey Uso and he said "Hey you alright bro? You seem upset." I responded, "Yea. I'm just worried about Kyla aka Jade. Nikki is so rude to her and before you got up here I was cuddling her because our cousin Roman Reigns jumped her with 5 other people so I had to comfort her and she told me that she started cutting again. She had stopped but when Nikki pushed her and she almost fell back into the pool and then when she got jumped she said it reminded her of high school when she got jumped because all of the girls thought she was going to steal their boyfriends. I'm just worried about her and I don't want to leave her alone but you're my twin so I don't want to leave you alone either. I'm taking her out tomorrow after we're done training. You and Trinity can come if you guys want." Josh said, "Yea we'll go. I feel like if she has people who genuinely care about her like you, me, Trinity, Angie, Becky Lynch, Rhea Ripley, Brie Bella, and Nia Jax. We should do a little appreciation thing for her to let her know that people actually care about her. She makes you happy and I love seeing you smile. We can talk to Stephanie about it after we get back or I can text her about it tomorrow while we're training." I nodded and said "Ok. Let's go to sleep." He nodded and laid in our beds and went to sleep but before I fell asleep I texted my girlfriend telling her goodnight and she responded to me telling me good night and then I went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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