14. i remember it all too well

306 7 6

TW-death,relapse of sh,
one mention of a death threat

it's now been 3 weeks since my ep out it's been doing well other than a few people absolutely hating it and they dm me telling me to kill myself but i you know what can i do about that i just try to brush it off and act like i'm not get worse by the day.

So after my mom passed away when i was 13 i didn't want to go to my dads so ever since then I have been spending my birthday with Jamie and his family and I wouldn't have it any other way I love his family like it's my own they always make jokes about Jamie and I getting together since we were little of course when we were little we just said "eww cooties" now we just laugh with them as they make the jokes.
"you ready to see your family, I know I am I missed your mom so much"
"yeah i am and she just called me saying how much she was talking about how much she missed you we know who the favorite is" he says with a dry laugh making sure he packed everything "what are we gonna do on a 7 hour flight to London" I say knowing that I have a horrible attention span "eh we'll figure it out" so after that we get our bags then start our journey to London.

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