Chapter 10

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After some rather surprising bonding time with my sister earlier, I trained, or rather I failed at training this unruly magic with Yetta. I thought I'd give it one last shot with her before I really agreed to this deal with Azra. I don't know how I will cope with letting him train me, but this is the last resort, my only hope at keeping my people safe and I will do everything I can to succeed. Even if it means suffering the company of the enemy. The enemy who also happens to be my heartbond. What that even meant I still didn't know. I made a mental note to find some time to search through our libraries for any information about heartbonds that I could potentially use to my advantage.

"Your Majesty."

I turned to find Callahan bowing in the doorway. I cringed at the sight of him bowing to me.

"You don't need to do that." I stood from the bench, reaching for a sword.

"Do what?" He asked unsheathing his own sword from his waist.

"You know what." We began to circle each other. We usually skip any small talk and go straight to training. I haven't mentioned Xander and neither has he. Talking about him makes me emotional and unfocused. Maybe that's why he hasn't uttered a word of him either. Any words spoken between us has been all business.

"Well You are my Queen." He shrugged twisting his wrist, the sword in his hand whipping through the air like a knife through butter. My queen. It still felt wrong. Being Queen was something I never imagined, something I never wanted.

"Does that mean you're going to take it easy on me then?" I stilled adjusting my own grip on the hilt to prepare for the attack he was about to engage.

"Not a chance" Then he charged, swords clashed once, twice, three times, he twisted his over mine and knocked me back. I kept my feet planted, chin high, eyes on him, as Xander had always instructed. We continued fighting one another until we were both dripping in sweat and my bones ached.

"Again." I ordered when we both parted to catch our breath.

"We'll take a break." He panted, lowering his sword.

"Again." I struggled for breath. But I had to keep going. Had to be better. If this magic failed my my fighting ability won't.

Callahan paused contemplating. He took in a sharp breath, resuming his position and began swinging his sword down. This time my arm shook with the force but I pushed on, until he twisted his wrist and sent my sword flying.

"We'll take a break..." he repeated.

I ignored and charged, dipping low I aimed for his abdomen. Hitting him once, he curled over and I saw an opening. Twisting behind him I grabbed his arm bending it back, he cursed and released his sword elbowing me in the stomach. I curled over just long enough to dodged his next blow. He hooked a foot around my ankle knocking me on my back. Completely out of breath I tried to rise but he pinned me beneath his thighs and reached for his sword. Pointing it at my neck. My arms flopped to the floor in defeat.

"This feels familiar." I peeked down at our current position. He ignored my attempt at flirty banter I was so used to having with him before everything bad happened. He stood and headed for his water bottle. I lay there like a starfish, catching my breath.

"What was you doing in the city last night?" Callahan asked.

"I..." I thought about lying. But what was the point. He's now the head of the Queens guard and commander of my army. Lying would only break any trust left between us.

"I went to a party." I declared. Still debating on what details to share.

"Aurora...are you crazy." Irritation laced his words.

"I had a disguise. I just wanted one night to myself again."

"And Is that all you are? Just another fae who spends her time partying with strangers?"

"I was with my friends." I squinted my eyes at him. Equally as irritated as to why he was questioning me about my decisions.

"That's not the point. And when I found you, you was alone. Alone Aurora. You could of been killed."

I climbed to my feet and stormed over to my own water bottle. Chugging the water down. I slammed the bottle down, wishing for this conversation to end already. I didn't bother asking him how he found me or knew I was alone.

"I know. Okay. I don't need a lecture from you right now." I turned away. Tears burned my eyes, I took deep breaths and pushed my emotions down. Being emotional right now won't help anyone. It only summons this magic inside me. I felt him at my side on my third inhale.

"Aurora." I looked to his touch, that familiar soft touch on my arm. I used to crave that touch, pine for it, but now I feel nothing of the sort. "What's going on with you?" Another deep breath. He turned me to face him "Talk to me."

"I can't control this magic" I confessed. I lifted my chin to meet his gaze. His brows knit together as though deep in thought, realising what that would mean for our people.

"We'll find a way." He said.

"I have tried everything Cal. Nothing is working. Yetta is at the end of her tether. There's nothing in the books. Nothing is working." Panic arose in my voice. Callahan gripped my arms and lowered to my height.

"We will find a way, Aurora. And if you can't use your magic, we will find another way to protect our people." He said.

"There is something I could do. Something I was hoping to avoid but now I think it might be our only hope." I cringed at the thought of telling him about Azra but I would have to at some point. He stayed silent.

"The dark prince has offered to help in exchange for our co operation in dealing with the voiderz" Callahans eyes turned dark, his features screwed in fury.

"Have you lost your fucking mind?" He stepped back from me, running his hands through his hair.

"I don't like this anymore than you do."

"You cannot trust them Aurora!"

"I know!...I know that more than anyone."

"Then find another way!"

"There's is no other way! Cal, our people will be slaughtered.. slaughtered if I don't control this magic. They will all die because of me. If I don't do everything in my power to prevent that, then what kind of Queen does that make me?!...I have to try. I have to."

Cal shook his head. "I don't trust him."

"I know. Neither do I. And trust me when the time is right I intend on making them pay for for what they've done. But for now I have to do this. I have to put everyone else first."

We was interrupted by a knock at the door. My guard Ivan bowed his head.
"The council have called a meeting."

I grunted. "Great. Another thing I don't need right now. Let's go."

"What?" Callahan asked.

"I meant what I said in the last meeting. I want you there too." His mouth twitched into a hint of a smile. "After you then."

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