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"It's okay.. I'm here with you.."

It was a strange and almost frightening word. It could have been taken the wrong way. That would imply that I was a partner in her relationship.

But it couldn't be, right?

Because I wasn't.

Not really.

No one was.

There were no partners.

We weren't there to spend time together for lifetime. It was purely an arrangement made by the universe for the sake of my own well being.

I had nothing to do with her relationship. I didn't have anything to do with her personal life. I was just a bystander, watching.

So why did she choose me as her companion?

Well.. because i'm her bestfriend. Or rather.. her only friend. She didn't exactly want me around anymore when she started dating with her oh so handsome stupid boyfriend.

Its because of that her boyfriend being jealous seeing us being too close with each other until my classmates calling us a couple. Broo we literally being friend from we were kids. Yet that guy still don't like it made her distancing herself from me with my small group.

But now.. I was all she had left. She used to have a lot more friends, but they.. I mean we stopped communicating after her distant herself from me and my small group.

But then again, we're not in any kind of relationship. We're just...friends. Friends don't have relationships. But friendships. They can only exist through each other.

And yet here I was. For the first time after years wrapping my arms again around the person who'd stolen my heart. It's been years. Shock? Of course I am. I don't know where she get to know my apartment. Maybe my sister.

It's not like she know that she broke my heart. It's my own fault falling for my own bestfriend. All she know is, she broke my heart when she distant herself from me. Oh which bestfriend will never hurt because of it? Tell me. And now she needed me, more than ever.

If not out of love, then out of desperation.

She needed someone to hold her hand, to comfort her, to tell her everything would be alright.

Someone to make sure she didn't fall apart.

Someone to remind her that she was still beautiful.

Someone to remind her that she was worth something.

Someone to remind her that she was loved.

And for some odd reason, she decided I should be the one to do that. Because she know I will always welcoming her. Just like now. I don't even pushing her away.

"Do you feel better now?" I asked her. She nods as she sniffing.

"Thank you..."

I'm just about to put the strand of her hair that covering her beautiful face behind her ear, but stop when I realizes I had never do that things in my life when i'm with her.

Well.. we were just bestfriend. Ex-bestfriend I guess.. They never do such things with each other right?

"Can you go home now or do you need to stay longer?" I saw her fidgeting with her small fingers.

The fingers that I really want to hold. I wonder if its fit in my hand. Oh. Fuck off daydreaming.

Its not like I don't like her being with me in my apartment but it just that its already midnight when she knocked on my apartment door with sobbing mess.

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