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Name: Y/N L/N

Likes: The team, the couch, his friends, the managers, training, learning new techniques

Dislikes: Bullies, people who hurt his friends, Anyone who says anything bad about the club

Midfielder (sometimes)
Goalkeeper (if Mark doesn't play)

A/N: In case you guys didn't know hissatsu are what the special techniques are called in inazuma eleven.

Shoot hissatsu:

Wolf shot: You kick the ball in the air a huge wolf then appears. It looks like you are standing on the wolf you then kick the ball the ball being followed by the wolf the ball then slams into the goal.

Water dragon: You kick the ball as a giant water dragon follows it.

Plasma burst: You charge up electricity around you and the ball then kick it forward. As the ball gathers energy around it it flies in a zigzag manner.

Catch hissatsu:

God hand 2.0: You gather energy into both your right and left hand before you raise your hand to create two large hands connecting to your hands with a large amount of lightning. You then thrust your left hand forward to catch the ball before using the right hand to punch the ball away. Or you use both hands to catch the ball.

A/N: Ok guys this story will be a rewrite of the original go read the first few chapters on my old account Crazana. Y/N will learn more techniques later in the story and the next chapter will come out tomorrow or Tuesday. Oh yeah before I forget the next chapter will be episode 4 instead of one so make sure to read the previous chapters before reading this book.

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