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"What..the fuuuuck?!!!?-"

Kyo shrieks, eyes meeting the tiny..Ren from across the room, who was digging in random cabinets in the kitchen. Kyo is just so surprised, it takes him a moment to register what he's seeing. Baby..Ren?

"What the hell happened, man?!" That's a stupid question, how would a baby even answer that? He sighs, picking him up. "Is this shit normal for aliens..?" He asks himself.

Ren giggles once he's picked up. Kyo furrows his brows, taking in the new appearance of the alien. Not much has changed, except for the fact his horns were noticeably smaller.

"Cute," He comments—but he can't get distracted by the fact that he has to take care of a baby now. Hell no.

He looks around for a spot to place Ren down. He scurries over to the couch, setting him down. "Stay there. And if you fall, it ain't my problem." He says, receiving another giggle in response. He frowns. "Yeah, you think this is funny until you bust yo' head open." He adds. Ren tilts his head slightly in confusion.

Kyo rolls his eyes, before walking over, grabbing his phone, and calling Aster. It'd make the most sense, after all, right?

It takes a moment, but Aster answers. With a lazy voice, he speaks up.

"Kyo..?? What are you doing up so early..?"

"What are you doing still asleep? Anyways, I woke up because this bitch was going through my cabinets. Come get your baby. Literally." Kyo replies, placing a hand on his hip, as he taps his foot on the ground.


"Yah, Ren." He says, making sure to emphasize his name. "He's turned into some—gremlin.." He says, turning over to Ren, who was biting the armrest of the couch...- Wait, that's not right.

"Aye! Don't eat tha—Bad!!" Kyo scolds, walking over, just to set Ren back to where he placed him. "..Stay." He orders. Kyo can't believe he has to order him around like a dog.

"If you move, imma give you the biggest ass whooping of yo' life."

Aster giggles, which reminds Kyo that he was still on the phone with him. "Shit—Sorry. Anyways, yeah, he's like..a child now." He says, letting out a sigh.

"I can tell by the way you're scolding him—Pff- I'll tell the others, and I guess go over and help you."

Kyo lets out a sigh of relief. "Thank god. I just woke up and he's already giving me a damn headache." He says, glaring at Ren, seeing that he was still in the same place he sat him. Good.


After what felt like an eternity, Kyo hears a knock on his door, he glances over to Ren. "Stay." He says, before getting up, walking over, and opening the door. "Thank god, you're here..! What took you so long, dude?"

Aster smiles, before holding up the small dinosaur onesie in his hands. "I had to get him something!" He states. Kyo scowls. "No, you didn't. Who told you that?" He says, stepping aside, for Aster to come in.

Aster enters, with a small giggle followed after. "Well, i'm sure you don't have any baby clothes." He replies, looking around, before his eyes locked onto the tiny Ren. Stars formed in his eyes. "Awwwwe!!" He squeals, running over.

Kyo crosses his arms, watching as Aster showers him in affection. "That's really not needed..." He whispers.

Aster picks him up. "Look at you!!! How cute~!" He grins. Ren smiles back, making a random noise babies usually would make. The star boy let's out a chuckle. "Hey, I got you a gift! I think you'd like it." He says, showing him the small dinosaur onesie he had brought.

Ren's face lights up. He extends his arms out, in an attempt to grab it, but fails.

Aster smiles, setting him down on the couch to put it on him. "By the way, I think the others are coming here, too." He says.

Kyo freezes. "..What?- Like- everyone else? Here?" He says, just to make sure. Aster nods. "Yeah? Where else?-"

"..Bro, it's gonna be a mess here." He huffs, pinching his nosebridge. "Overnight..?"

Aster thinks, picking up Ren once more. "I don't know. They didn't tell me, but probably not..? Come on, Kyo, it's not that bad." He reassures the other boy, not taking his eyes off the small alien.

Kyo stares at him as if he were dumb. He furrows his brows, crossing his arms. "Have you seen Aia? She's probably gonna teach him how to throw a damn axe at us, or something." He states,  looking over to Ren, who is now wearing that cute—little...Alien onesie..So..cute.

Aster laughs, followed with a playful roll of his eyes. "I'm sure Aia knows how to control herself and not set a bad example for kids...I hope.."

The smaller boy frowns. "You better hope..Anyways, I think he's hungry, since the little bitch was digging through my cabinets like a maniac," He starts, extending his hands out. "Give him to me."

"Awww. Fine. Don't call him a bitch, though! He's so cute! Just look at him!" He says, carefully giving Ren to Kyo.

"..." Kyo stares at the baby for a moment. The tiny horns, the little grabby hands he was doing..Cutee.. "..Whatever." He rolls his eyes. "Whatchu wanna eat, man?" He asks, walking over to the kitchen. It was so unusual carrying his friend in his arms..And taking care of him. What else-was he going to have to change his diaper next? Hell nooo..

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