Chapter 1

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Ironhide, the Autobots weapons specialist, was at base. He soon, in a few days, had to go get William Lennox, his charge. He was snapped back into reality, and he heard his comm ringing. When he answered, he was shocked to say the least.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Uncle 'Hide! Mommy and Daddy are fighting! There's crashing, and--a-and-" Annabelle Lennox, Will's and Sarah's 4 year old daughter, wailed.

"Annie, calm down. Where are you?" Ironhide asked.

"Upstairs, hiding by the steps. " Annabelle replied.

"Stay there, I'm coming to get you and Will." Ironhide stated.

He transformed, and sped off, heading to Lennox family farm, although there wasn't any animals. When he got there, he saw Sarah Lennox, Will's ex-wife, pointing a pistol at Will's head. "SARAH! You let him go or so help me Primus, you won't get off that ground!" Ironhide snarled.

"Go check on Annabelle, 'Hide!" Will pleaded.

Ironhide nodded, and activated his holoform. He ran into the house, and saw things broken, pictures and windows shattered. He heard a crying sound, and followed it. He found Annabelle on the floor, cuts on her body with a couple bruises, curled up, laying on glass, crying.

"Annie." Ironhide stated.

Annabelle looked at Ironhide, tears going down her face. Ironhide picked her up carefully, brushing glass off her body. When he got back outside, Will was gone, and so was Sarah. Ironhide put Annabelle in his cab.

"Will? Will!" Ironhide shouted. He activated his scanner, and he saw Will's phone signal. He walked into the woods, and when he reached the signal, he only found Will's and Sarah's phones. He picked up Will's phone, but smashed Sarah's.

When he took Annabelle to Epps' house, he contacted Ratchet.

"What do you need, 'Hide?" Ratchet asked.

"Can you try to see if Will left a secret message on here? He's missing, and if he ever wanted to talk to me, all he had to do was send a riddle or something to me, so I knew where he was." Ironhide asked, handing Ratchet the phone.

"I can try." Ratchet replied, taking the phone.

A few moments later, Ratchet found a picture of a man with tanned skin, covered in piercings and tattoos, chestnut dyed hair. "Who is this 'Hide?" Ratchet asked.

"Oh. That's Sarah's new boyfriend, what's his name? He goes by 'Razor', but his real name is Danny. I don't know his last name. She was the last boyfriend she had and when Will came home from deployment, and he found her in bed with him. He left with Annie that night, and after that, he stayed at Epps house. The next day, he filed for divorce. That process took about... give or take 7 months. He did, however, get to keep the property and Annabelle." Ironhide explained.

When Ironhide went out to look for Will again, he checked everywhere they went together. The beach, a meadow on the opposite side of the woods, not far from Will's house. When Ironhide returned to Epps' house, the others seemed off. "What happened?" Ironhide asked.

"We lost Annabelle. We took her outside so she could see the stars. We told her to stay by the door or window, then when we go to get her, and she's gone." Sunstreaker replied.

Ironhide lost it. "YOU LOST ANNABELLE?! SHE WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE OUTSIDE UNTIL WE COULD FIND WILL AND PUT HIS ATTACKERS IN PRISON!" Ironhide snapped. With that said, he stormed outside. He took a drive through the woods, and came across a lake. He pulled to a stop and activated his holoform.

When he walked over, he saw a tuft of brown hair, in the crystal clear water. Everyone followed him and watched him jump in the water. He swam down and saw Will bound and gagged, a bloody spot on his head. He grabbed the man's arm and struggled to get free from some sort of plant in the bottom.

Everyone couldn't see Ironhide, and when Sideswipe checked the time, he realized that is had been 15 minutes. Before anyone could say anything, Ironhide popped up, Will on his back. Ironhide put Will on land and then heaved himself up as well. He was soaking wet, but he didn't care. He started CPR after feeling no pulse on Will. After he did the mouth-to-mouth, Will coughed up water.

"What caused the wound on the side of his head?" Sideswipe asked.

"Annie... Sarah has her... Razor... Danny wants to... have fun with her." Will muttered, opening his eyes.

"Do you know where they took her?" Prowl asked.

"Warehouse... 15 miles from my house... he beat the side of my head with a crowbar and then a couple guns." Will replied.

After he was taken to the hospital, Ironhide instantly transformed, and headed to the warehouse. When he got there, he saw Sarah just laughing as Danny was beating Annabelle. Ironhide snuck up behind both adults and knocked them unconscious. He then tied them up and found Annabelle crying. 

At the hospital, Will and Annabelle sat on Will's bed, Will comforting his daughter. About a month later, Ironhide was returning from the park with Annabelle, hoping to distract her mind. On the way home, in a dirty alley, Ironhide saw 2 puppies chained, starved, and beaten. Annabelle was sound asleep in his backseat, so he got out and walked to them. 

A few minutes later, he got the 2 pups in his backseat as well, and drove home. "Will!" Ironhide hollered. Will came out to see his boyfriend. 

"Yeah, 'Hide?" Will asked.

"I brought home puppies. They're mine now." Ironhide stated.

'I don't get a say in this?' Will thought.

The girl puppy, a dark black color, and the youngest pup, whined and whimpered. When the others came over, they saw an adorable sight.

Ironhide was feeding the male puppy his milk bottle, but the female puppy was asleep in Will's arms. Will, earlier that day, had gone to the dog shelter, and brought home three dogs, all of which, Ironhide claimed as his. 

"Sam, you okay?" Bee asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Sam replied.

"Saaaaammmm." Bee whined.

"Fine. Mojo died, okay? Mojo died 2 weeks ago." Sam snapped.

'Mojo fuckin' died. He fuckin' died.' Ironhide thought. He hated that dog, but when he saw Sam's unhappiness at the loss of his beloved dog, he felt bad. He hated it when Sam or any of his friends were upset.

"Sam?" Ironhide asked.

"Yeah, 'Hide?" Sam asked.

"If... if you want, you can have a puppy. Even if you don't want one right now, the offer's still open." Ironhide stated.

Sam nodded, but he looked at the puppies, and he picked out a German Shepard.

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