The weirdness

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Life is strange specially for one person. _(N)_ was the persons name . She was what people in Japan called Hafu . Her life was normal but weird specially when she would be around one person and that persons name was Date no not as in the American date , Date. Date Masamune or as most people called him the one eyed weird-i mean dragon anyways lets continue ~~

_(N)_ Amaya that was her ! mother was from _(c/n)_ and dad Japanese anyway!

Amaya-chan as many called her was getting ready to leave just when she was about to fix her long _(H/C)_ Hime cut hair her Docomo phone range with a familiar voice coming out. "Y'Oh. It's sasuke pick up " she let out a sigh the nerve she thought and answered " what . Don't you see I'm ge-'forget your needs woman you better not forget my lunch again , Alright.'" that's when the line cut she blinked twice with one eye twitching . Oh yeah the lunch she won't forget this one .

as she walked calmly to Basara she was lost in her thoughts while having a terrifying smirk on her doll face features you see _(N)_ was known to be sweet kind tender all of that but when messing with her she was what you called a

b¥tch ,witch , or the best friend who brings you the nightmares. Why? Well last week both sasuke and _(N)_ made a bet and it was about Yukimura , if yukimura got punched on the face by Takeda Senpai for screaming his name none stop one had to do the others lunch for a month and you might know who lost.

When entering the academy she calmly changed her shoes till she felt a heavy weight on her back and the voice oh that voice the one with that bored yet amused tone " sasuke ." She turned smiling while her right brow twitch under her bangs " it seems you have some something that is mi-'smack'........." The fierced 'ninja' stood holding the Benton which was now on his face calmly or so it seemed " I hoped you enjoy it .i added death sauce just for you ." _(N)_ smiled . Sasuke gave the thumbs up and calmly walked off while holding the bento along with the screams for murdered " wasn't that quite rude ,eh?" A voiced said with a mixed broken English . _(n)_ turned and smiled " good morning !" She couldn't help for feel happy seeing her friend. Masamune smirked down at her while folding his arms " seems you haven't been too happy from last week " he walked up the small platform and turned to her while keeping his cocky smirk " look who's talking ~~ ugu~~~ mitsunari is better at baseball then me ~~ gui~~" she smirked trying to make a pouting face while steping on the small plat form " I DIDNT SOUND LIKE THAT! " Date protested while his left eye twitched irritated remembering "sure you didn't ~~" she let out a small laugh while both Masume and her began to walk to their home room .

~~Le skip~~

"hey Masamune ..." _(n)_ asked calmly while looking at the flower less cherry blossom tree on the window " what is it ?" date asked boredly while turning to her " remember when we did the project together ?" " yeah and "" I think I left my yaoi in your room....." She said blinking and turned to him but twitched "........what....." He said and remembered ".....shit .." He stated remembering today was the day kojuro cleaned his room since he stayed for baseball.

~~~ meanwhile ~~~~

kojuro was calmly cleaning the Date mansion being Masamunes guardian he tooK everything as if his life depended on it but while re-organizing Masamunes books *coughs* manga*coughs* he found two books with strange covers " what's this...?" He asked himself and opened one to the first page "........"a shadow covered his eyes while looking at the image ' must of gotten them by accident yeah..!'....' he then turned to the other and opened it and boy was he in for a surprise .


not good hu ^^' I'll try better !

and reader-chan isn't that boring /mean it'll get better by

the next chapter ! Sorry if Date is too OC (`_')ゞ I'll try

harder next !

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