3:45am Preparations

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There it is. The blasted alarm I dreaded since last night. My biggest reason being that I have made big plans for today about a month ago. I'll be participating in a livestream for a smaller channel. This stream, however, will last for those running and attending for twenty-four hours straight. This is a huge commitment that I've never tried or approached before now. This was something that I forgot came up until yesterday when I was reminded about it from a fan roaming the streets yesterday while I was out on patrol. It would've been bad for me to come into today blind with no idea what I already said I was going to do.

It's time for me to get up and get myself moving. I won't be late to arrive to my first livestream over on YouTube. This had this planned for a while and it's not like me to miss things. I was not about to bail on the people and the fans that are coming to this stream. This isn't negotiable, and I must follow through with my commitments.

With a groan I stretch my arms over my head. I feel the tiredness in my face even though I want to keep laying here. It's earlier than I normally get up and that's only an hour later from now. I rub my face and start to prepare to get moving. On the table beside my bed, I reach over to turn off the blaring alarm. Silence takes over in the still blackness of the bedroom. Rubbing my face again, I wipe some of the tiredness in it away. Not all of it went away, but that'll be taken care of once I'm on my feet.

Sitting up I roll my feet off the bed and onto the cold floor. The chill didn't bother me as I stand a moment to wake up more. I have to be ready for what's to come no matter what it may be or what form these these things come in. It'll be one of the longest days that I'll have had in a while but it will be worth it for the streamers that I'm joining. This was also something that I'm doing for myself but not for the traction of who I am. I walked over and flick the light on with the switch across the room. I close my eyes at the sudden brightness that pours over the room. It takes a second to get used to it but with a few minutes exposed to that I'm now adapted to it.

My room is simple compared to what I heard that others have thought about it. From what I've heard they were all wrong about the assumptions that were given about my space. The walls were a deep shade of forest green like my grenade gantlets. My doors have trim black with orange lines in the crevices of the door as accents to them. In the corner of the room on an armor stand is my hero costume stands ready for the livestream. I didn't want to but have to get into it for today, but luckily I didn't have to do hero work as this plan was already in place.

My bed like my door also matches my upper part of my hero costume with an orange X over top of the black cloth. Who else would've known that I was going to theme my bedroom around myself and the hero that I've chosen to be. It's what I've strived and worked for, and it keeps me moving forward to be in a place surrounded by what I loved the most; being a hero to others. Nobody will take that away from me as long as I live. How life is right now is what matters and what my day-to-day life that I pictured in my head looked like. My dream that I've had since I was a child has come true for me over the years that I trained for it.

The only things that were hanging up on my wall was an enlarged picture of Class 1-A from when I went to UA a few years back. Those were the good times, but we've all went our own ways other than Shoto, Izuku and myself. With that we moved in together as I was declared the head of the house. We decided that it was easier to split the cost of a place that was bigger together. Not many people were allowed into my bedroom meaning that it's not known that I have that school portrait printed out bigger and put in here. That image hung next to my award from this year for becoming the Number Two Hero of Japan.

In the far and inner corner of the room by the window my computer setup sits I walk over and turn it on waiting for it to boot up. It may be an an old but expensive set of gear for its time, but it gets me by and it's older compared to what's being sold now. It takes a while to startup that sometimes it was easier to start it while I start to get myself ready a little and grab Shoto's gear that he's lending to me for this. That gear is laid out in the dining room on the table waiting for me. But for him besides being a hero, he does have a side job of photography and filming of other heroes and of other places that he's gone to. He does well for how he puts himself and his work out there out to others.

Stretching my arms I make my way out into the dining room. Shoto with his half red and half white hair sat there with his assorted camera gear in front of him as he sorted it. None of the wires before him were tangled and each thing there has its own place where it belongs. He looks up at me and stands up handing me the large camera with a fluffy microphone attached to it. I'm careful with it knowing how mad Shoto would get if I dropped it. With it in my hands it has a lot of weight to it but that's to be expected considering how much money and energy he poured into getting the gear it when he started his photography career.

"If you need help come out and get me. I'll help if you end up not knowing what to do."

"Yeah, yeah, I know what I'm doing. I don't and won't need your help."

"Suit yourself. Take good care of these things or it's coming out of your pockets for any damages that're done to them."

Shoto glares and rolls his eyes and he didn't hesitate to put the rest of his gear into my other but free arm. He always means business about his things and I'm going to respect that. I scoff in response but minutes later I turn around and make my way back to my bedroom. I set everything Shoto gave me down onto my desk. There's a lot of things here and I wasn't expecting it to be so much to deal with. There's even a small camera that can be attached to your head to take with me while I go away from the house. Shoto has quite the setup and I have to admit its impressive.

My computer isn't booted up yet but at least it's getting there. I didn't want to stand here the entire time that it starts up, so I take the chance as I made a trip to the restroom while I have the time. Once done I wash my hands and dry them off. I come back to see that my monitor is finally on the login screen and it asks me for my password to log in. I put my password into the bar as a picture of Deku, Shoto and I show on the desktop. This was one of the first moments and missions that we took together shortly after we graduated from UA. I still remember it like it happened yesterday.

Everything was almost ready, and time was almost upon me to start this journey. That's all but hooking the camera and turning on the livestream from a link in my email given to me last night. I'm ready for my first public appearance on a channel that wasn't ran by any hero but a normal civilian. I bet there will be heroes there but who's to know if that'll happen. This stream is being run by a normal person located in the United States that reached out to me a while ago. At that moment upon being asked something inside of me tore at my insides and told me to take the leap and try this livestream out and that it'll be good for me. That was more than my head fought against the idea.

Little did I know that this livestream will be the most interesting event in twenty-four hours that I'll ever have.

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