chapter 11

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Rosé's POV

In the middle of the movie i looked over at y/n and saw that she had fallen asleep.I covered her with the blanket since it had fallen a little bit and fixed her head without waking her up.

I moved the popcorns away and got up to help my way to the bathroom.Y/n's apartment had that chill and cozy vibe.She had a few posters with bands and movies and some random paintings but not to extravagant.They were really relaxing to look at.I really liked the lighting here too.The windows were big leaving you the view of the city and the mountains.It's so cool watching sunrises and sunsets from here.I wish i could one time.

After using the bathroom i heard the door knock and noticed that y/n was still sleeping so i went to open it.

I saw from the small eye and it was the girl who was hugging y/n that day at the shop.I opened it since i've seen her before and it looks like they know each other.

"Hi."i say to the women standing in front of me with a bag in one of her hands.
"Hi.Did y/n move out or what?"she says with a confused look on her face.
"No she's just sleeping."
"Wait.."the women says looking me dead in the eyes

"Did you guys sleep together?Omg am i interrupting anything?"she says a little bit loud and fast.
"What?No."i say as i could feel my face heat up at the thought of it.
"I'm her friend and i met her at the market and she didn't look okay so i took care of her.She was hung over."
"Oh yeh she told me about that."she says and i heard some steps approaching.

"Seo Jun?"
"Hey y/n."the women says as she gets in and gives
y/n a hug.
"Rosé you're still here."y/n says as she looks at me and smiles.
"Of course."i say "But i'm going i don't want to bother you guys."i say as i try to get my coat on.
"No no please stay.We would really enjoy a third company."the women says.

I really didn't want to leave cause i wanted to stay more with y/n so i couldn't refuse and i didn't have anything to do back home.So i stayed for a little longer.

"My name is Seo Jun."the women says and she has her hand out for me to shake it.
"And i'm Rosé."i say and shake it.
"Nice to meet you Rosé."
"You too Seo Jun."i say and we both let out a small laugh.

"Shall we sit?"Seo Jun says as she walks to the couch.
"Hey are you feeling okay?"i ask y/n as we're going to the couch.
"Yes i'm feeling a little better.Thank you for everything."she says and hits me with her shoulder playfully and smiles.
"Glad to hear that and you're welcome."i say and do the same.

"Would you guys like to order out?"Seo Jun asks.
"Yup i was thinking that."y/n says as she looks over at me.
"It's okay with me."
"Okay then i'm ordering."Seo Jun says and takes the phone to call delivery to order food leaving the room.

"Sorry i forgot to tell you that she was coming."
"Don't worry i like her."i say and she smiles at me.

"Did you finish the movie?"
"I did and you left me crying alone when aunt May died."
"If i was awake i would have cried too,that's why i fell asleep."
"But hey next time i'm going to cry with you.There are a lot of sad moments in Marvel."y/n says and i couldn't stop smiling at the fact that she wants to be a next time.

"So y/n how did the meeting go we didn't have the time to talk?"Seo Jun walks in.
"Oh yes we got it."y/n says.
"Congratulations i'm so proud of you."she says as she fills us a glass of champagne and y/n a glass of orange juice and i look at her and laugh and i could see she felt embarrassed which was cute.

"Okay but you didn't have to give me orange juice i'm not a child."
"Meh you are."she says and we all laugh.

"Also Rosé is working with me.Technically i'm working for Rosé."y/n says
"Huh?"seo-jun asks

"She's the group i'm working for.Blackpink."
"Omg i literally knew that i knew you from somewhere but i was too embarrassed to say anything."Seo Jun immediately turns to me as i could feel her eyes were about to explode.

"I'm a really huge fan.I love you and the other girls.You guys kill it every time."she says and clicks my glass.
"Thank you i appreciate it."i say and we take a sip.

The door bell rings and y/n gets up and opens it.I heard a deep voice so i figured the delivery guy was here which means the food came.

"It's hereee."y/n says while holding the bags and coming at our direction.
"Let's eat here cause i'm too lazy to get up."seo jun says.
"I agree.I'm so comfortable right now."
"Alright let me get some plates and napkins."y/n says as she handles us the food and goes to the kitchen.

"It smells amazingg."i say as i open the package.
"And i bet that's how it tastes."seo jun says.

"This is ruining my diet."i say.
"Omg i'm on a diet too."Seo jun says.
"At least we're ruining it together."i say and we both click our chopsticks.

"What are you guys ruining together?"y/n asked as she came to sit down.
"Me and Rosé are on a diet and we're kinda breaking it now."Seo jun said since i couldn't talk cause my mouth was full.

"Ah stop it with this diet.Just eat you only live once."y/n says as she starts eating.
"Plus you both have good body shapes why do you worry."she adds and i could feel my face heat up at what she said.

"Okay since you say so i'm stopping."seo jun said sarcastically and y/n threw a pillow at her.

We talked a few more about random things and i really enjoyed their company.They both were really friendly and easy to talk too.

"You can sleep here if you want."y/n says as i'm getting ready to leave.
"I would love too but Hank needs to be fed and i have to wake up early tomorrow."i say sadly cause i really wanted to stay more.
"Okay then you know it."she says and smiles at me.

"Thank you again for taking care of me.I really appreciate it."y/n adds as i'm now standing at the door.
"Anytime."i say and smile at her which she does back.

"Goodbye Rosé i hope i will see you again.This stupid is lucky that will get to look at your pretty face everyday."Seo jun says as she comes in for a hug and i could see that y/n was laughing at what she said and i noticed that she got a little red.

"I'm pretty sure we will meet again.Maybe i can get you and your boyfriend tickets for one of the concerts here."
"No that's too much."seo jun says but i knew she was just trying to be nice.
"Don't worry it's from me.I own up to this amazing night."
"Ahh thank you Rosé."she says and comes in for another hug which takes me by surprise.

"Let the poor women go now."y/n says with a laugh as she gives me a hug which was not that long as Seo jun's.

"Have a safe drive back home."they both waved at me as i left their apartment.

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