Okay, what the heck are you doing? (Intro)

46 2 9

Yo, it's Arctic uhh ill edit later

It's later. Editness ensues

So basically the world is magic, but a really specific type; runes. If you've ever read Magnus Chase, it's what Hearthstone uses.

Each person is assigned a rune. The rune can change based on your decisions and way of thinking. You can use the rune to do magic. Like for example, if you're an angry person and your rune has to do with explosions, you can use it to explode stuff. Fun. Runes take time to regenerate, and each person only has one at a time, so people have been learning how to do it most efficiently in (insert sparkles) school.

They learn:

normal school subjects

+ how to control your emotions (like occlumency)

+ what is basically therapy, where you try to learn about yourself

+ specialized classes (like you wouldn't stick a calm popsicle of a person into a bunch of hot-headed ignorants right? But they're more likely to be in the normal school subjects because being with the same people who are like you can cause prejudices, or the school thinks [and I think they're right because I'm the author and made this school] )

+ how to make a rune? I dunno if I can explain well but you can make a rune out of drawing it on paper using ink or like, carve it into skin so it can be used. So like if I drew a rune that says when in contact with hooman, catch on fire, it'll do that. It's more of, like, learning a language - placing certain things and drawing them in some way so they do things. You can't copy your rune (the singular one) onto paper or anything, those are 2 different things, two branches, if you will. your singular rune you are born with. it is literally an imprint of your soul. any runes you make after are rudimentary, just pale imitations.

They are helpful in a fight though so there's that.

Moving on to the main characters (loosely based on when I read Magnus Chase like 7 months ago so some things might sound familiar I guess)

Tanqr's Current Rune: Empty Cup. He has nothing to give and nothing to receive.

Usage: Single use. Upon use, both Tanqr and his opponent feel a deep sadness, depression, like sinking to the bottom of the ocean. This affects their ability to fight as well as their ability to tell what's going around them.

Way of acting: Quiet, really quiet. Fades into the background, kind of. Doesn't make any noise. so like footsteps and breathing - none.

Kreek's Current Rune: Fiery Hearth. A beacon of warmth and home.

Usage: Continue until stopped. Upon use, Kreek and any other allies will be mentally boosted, feeling warm and happy, as well as more confident in their abilities, like a rush of euphoria. Any fire runers (runers? magic people?) 's magic is buffed so they can perform better. The warmth can also be used to fight off hypothermia and the like. Upon use, Kreek becomes tired and any allies boosted will feel the after-effects of their actions after he cancels the rune.

Ways of acting: Bright, energetic (except when tired), and amicable, but able to hold his own. likes to help and so is taken advantage of pretty a lot.

Types of runes - will edit later most definitely probably

Single use- use once and wait for it to happen. For example, a basic healing rune is *bam* healed. Like an instant healing potion.

Continue until stopped - like you can summon fire until you say "okay that's enough." drawbacks usually depend on the duration of time and/or what you're doing.

When - basically, an if-else or when- coding thing. i only know how to scratch and python very basically don't look at me ok?

The OTHER way to sort runes:




Yell ow




pretty dang rare


gr(a)(e)y (hey I fixed the problem!)

black that is the revelry of the dark while my brain stops braining

brown (not sure actually I think this is normal cos isn't brown just dark orange/yellow)

you be hacking

gradient (but like a lot, like green-orange, not like cyan-cornflower. they need to be different color groups)

change colors at will

Tanqr is blue and Kreek is red. since you don't exactly become a whole new person when you grow up, they'll probably stay the same.

Have a good sleep unless you don't sleep. if you don't sleep, you are acting like a pickle because those don't sleep either. please get some sleep so the next morning you will be awake to do schtuff.

dear future self :

sorry for the typos but also not

Dear past self:

You ducking idiot.

Okay so it's later and I made a cover butttt it doesn't fit so ima put it here too

Okay so it's later and I made a cover butttt it doesn't fit so ima put it here too

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