𝒙𝒙𝒙𝒊𝒊. matching wounds

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thirty two

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thirty two. matching wounds

LE'AH SWAM AIMLESSLY AROUND THE SUNKEN SHIP. From the darkness that succumbed to the place, it was hard to make out where she was going as she continued to travel through the water, her eyes continuously darting around for her father.

Lo'ak and Le'ah had met with Kiri and Spider, being informed that their father had gone after Quaritch whilst their mother and Tuk had been sucked in through a vent into the ship. The siblings collectively agreed that the twins and Spider would look for their father, whilst Kiri was to search for their youngest sibling and mom, deciding to split up to cover more ground.

Le'ah hated that she didn't know if her family was okay or not. Her heart was beating through her chest, her technique of breathing that the Metkayina taught them coming out irregular. Yet, Le'ah froze at the sight of an Avatar perched across some metal of the ship. Le'ah squinted her eyes, trying to take a closer look at the figure, determining whether it was her father or not. Despite the fact she didn't know, she rushingly swam towards the Avatar.

Le'ah noticed the full camo gear he wore, a strap across his chest where his gun would be placed. She searched for the gun, thinking that she would feel better with a weapon at her side, yet came out empty-handed. She cursed to herself, choosing the option to swim away as her mind was set on looking for Jake. However, Le'ah hadn't noticed the pair of closed eyes peel open.

Her back was turned, about to advance forward, though she was stopped when she felt a hard collision come in contact with the side of her temple. Almost instantly, her vision became hazy, feeling the pain course through her head like a massive migraine. Le'ah pushed through the pain, quickly turning around to see the Avatar, which she had thought died from the lack of air, hurdling towards her.

Without thinking, Le'ah quickly moved to the side, using her advantage of knowing how to swim properly through the water. The Avatar yelled, loud enough that Le'ah could briefly hear his screams, as she swiftly got behind the man. She grasped his arm, seeing the knife he held in his grasp. She tried to halt his actions of swinging at her as she gripped his limb tightly, yet, with the disadvantage that the man was bigger and stronger than she was, she was easily thrown off his body.

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