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"Naome wake up!!" I heard a voice say towards me i was just waking up since it was sunrise and we had an adventure to do that day I sighed and answer simply "Yup yup I'm awake" I got up from my bed and went to add a little decor to my hair it was kinda frizzy so I fixed that "Naome were gonna be late for breakfast come on" Reid said grabbing my arm

"I could've been late and no one here" i shrugged while she grabbed me to breakfast I left early to go see whats all the crowd about i ran out and saw him.. * FLASH BACK* 'Neteyam I have to go I'm sorry' I cried 'No you can't go not without mee!' Neteyam cried also 'bye neteyam' I screamed being dragged by my father *BACK TO PRESENT* *inalienable* Gosh what was all this chaos?! I stood in shock as I made my way to the front 'NAOME!!?' Neteyam screamed at me 'Naome you know these people' Ronal said stepping forward 'Yes I was with them i came in just like them and i-' I said but got cut off by Tonowari 'I heard enough' He said moving the crowd to him 'They will stay' He said death staring The father figure

'Reid!!' I screamed not taking my eye off the boy 'I don't think I can step forward' she whispered loudly 'Come on ur scared of Forest Navis? How come not ash navis?' I looked at her dead in the eyes the fathers were talking while aonung and his friends stared at them *Greats* that should've been the first thing I've done, 'Naome will teach & show you around' Ronal stepped up again 'Yes yes she is going to do that' tonowari said staring at me

*Later that day*

'Ready for the lesson' Neteyam smiled i smiled back, gosh he had the prettiest smile off them ALL, 'Oh lessons start tomorrow but we may see the untamed ilus' I said Moving my gaze away from his eyes 'Yo Cuh come back to our hut tuk crying' The younger brother said 'I'm not ur cuh and on my way' he said running away from me 'Reid?' I looked at her she was picking up seashells 'hey im getting seashells can you carry them' she said dropping them in my bag 'I don't have a choice' I said shrugging her

*A bit later*

'You got you're eyes on him? Seriously?!' I said laughing at Reids crush 'Whatt- He's cute!' She replied 'Ah yes the exact opposite actually' I laughed even more 'Naome can we talk' Neteyam said while looking down oh gosh what is it now.. He probably got into a fight or fell telling from the black eye his trying to hide 'what is it?' I said while Reid sneakily ran away 'You dropped this' he handed me a seashell i smiled and thanked him 'Neteyam you really think I wouldn't notice' I said laughing 'Notice what?' Neteyam said Seriously he knows I know and probably think I might tell.. I won't just worried for him gosh.. I missed him.. its been awhile

He looked up and said 'I fell.' He tried to laugh 'You sure?' I asked looking annoyed that he could be lying 'yes ma'am' he said looking down at me he was kinda...... Anyway I need to snap back i pintched myself and said 'does that make you feel better?' I laughed and he replied 'Yes thank you so much you took all my pain away by hurting urself thanks' he said sarcastically 'Boo your sarcastic stuff sucks ' I rolled my eyes 'Boo ur prett- Nevermind see you Tomorrow' he laughed and patted my head why was he kinda..... SERIOUSLY AGAIN?!?! WHY AM I THINKING THIS He's just.. No I need to go to bed.. Ewya have mercy i was about to sleep without slapping Reid

'Reidd!!!' I walked up to her n her friends 'Yeah wsp' she said 'I'm going to sleep so here' I slapped her 'thanks love y- Bye' she Studdard while I walked off why was everyone off today did i have something on my face my tail my hair?! whats wrong with me today..


I woke up gasping for air 'Woah woah woah naome Go back to bed' Rotxo said leaving my hut 'WHAT THE HE-' I was about to scream before I dozed off but could hear my surroundings 'she's a fast sleeper now get outta here' I recognize that voice that's Reid what is she doing at my hut i finally opened my eyes and death stared Reid 'Get out i said going back to sleep 'blah blah bla-' she got cut off by my father walking in she ran as fast as she could to hide i stared to fake sleep talk like I used to before we moved here he left and Reid came out 'I'm outta here' she Replied to herself


I woke up again sadly and rubbed my eyes I was so tired then I heard a footstep it sounded like big bare feet.. 'Neteyam get out my hut I haven't even blinked yet' I yawned after saying that 'Blink once then' he said so I did that then he appeared in front of me 'Naome can you teach me now pleaseeee' He gave me ikran eyes which I hate.. 'if you shut up and let me eat breakfast' I Shoved him off shoulder 'meanie' he yelled 'Shh its to early for this' I said yawning again

I ate and left early again.. since either had a long day ahead of me 'Let's go ride ilus!' I screamed after getting out my seat 'whos gonna teach me?' A little girl said while grabbing my hand 'a girl named tsireya! I slowly removed my hand from hers we went to the ocean and I did a cannon ball he did... something.. exotic I guess 'Ilu paddle like this' I said with my head floating above the water 'Okay easy' he said he ended up doing the qunah paddle but thats fine 'perfect! We now need you to tame.!' I said looking into the ocean 'Ueah how about t-' I cut him off 'Yea yeah perfect' i was tired even though we just started 'Dont rush me but I think I got this' he said slowly grabbing his Hair 'Yes perfect now put ur queue right there and ur o-' she sped off in a crazy amount of time 'Ur doing meh..' i Laughed he managed to get back and got if his ilu 'Its nice hanging out like the good old days' he smiled at me while saying that AUGH HIS SMILEEEEEE GETS ME EVERYTIMEEEE 'Hey do you thi-' He kissed me right then n there 'Naome I been meaning to tell you I like you he said tilting his head to the side n straight back again fastly ' that was so all of a sudden ' I said looking at the sand below us


Finally we were gonna ride ilus but the fact that she has that model walk gets me every time Sh1t o have to snap back Were already in the water.. 'Hey how about that o-' She cut me off by saying 'Yeah yeah' Okay Ms.Sassy pants I got on and she said to connect the Queue so I mean I did 'HOLY EYW-' I sped off so fast I couldn't see where I was going I managed to turn around and go back luckily.. we walked a bit on land and then I finally confessed my feelings by kissing her.. she didn't seem to enjoy it infact said that was a surprise.. I should've done that.. To late now..



AUTHORS NOTE: I just wanted to say this took hours to make and if this doesn't get atleast 1 view im outta here

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