Chapter Eighteen

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Thank you so much for your patience! I finished my second year so now i'm free the summer (Apart from my lovely work schedule) Hope you enjoy this!


"I couldn't help but notice how well the guest bed was made this morning... as if no one had slept in there..."

Demi bite into her lip, continuing not to make eye contact with her mom. "Yeah" she sighed and carried on digging her bowl further into the cereal.

"I trust you" her mom surprisingly said. "But that doesn't mean I'm okay with this happening all the time".

Demi nodded quickly before her mom could change her mind. She'd been acting strange since Wilmer had arrived. Whether her impression of guys was changing or she saw the difference he made to her she knew him coming was the best option for everyone right now. She didn't want her mom alone forever and hoped she'd go out a few times more than she did. The casual night in with her friends wasn't enough. She needed to get there and be happy with life again.

A few seconds later they recognized the unusual footsteps on the stairs. They both turned their heads to see a faint smile across Wilmer's face as he came and sat down next to Demi.

"I'll do it" Wilmer offered as Demi began to get his breakfast for him. He hated that she was doing everything for him. He appreciated every action yet he hated feeling like he was a responability.

Demi kissed his cheek and sat back down as he went over to the cabinet and picked out the box of cereal he wanted and brought it back over to pour into the bowl with the litre of milk besides him.

"Dem. You need to go get ready or you'll be late" Her mom told her knowing she wouldn't be happy about the reminder. Normally she was out of the house early because she'd see Wilmer before classes started but now she had no desire to go at all.

"But Mom..."

"Dem, remember what we said?" Was all she had to say before she quickly exited the room and headed to her bedroom to brush her hair and grab her bag.

"If me staying here is a problem I can..." Wilmer went to intervene.

"Never think that please" She sat down opposite him with the mug of coffee. "I would never do that and please never think you're a burden on either me or my daughter. I am only saying this is as I can not have her missing any more school and I feel it would be best if we sorted out the arrangements today just the two of us" she continued and Wilmer felt comfortable again.

"I'd appreciate that very much.... As long as you don't have any other plans"

"Of course not. You're a very important part of my daughter's life so I best get to know you" She rightly told him.  "However, if you could help the situation with her going to school I'd be very grateful" they both laughed softly.

"I'm going okay" Demi huffed. She still had those teenage tantrums despite acting like she was an adult now.

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