< Starter Of A Love Story >

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Another day, another studying session, another day he can look at the purple hair girl who's interest is the moon and the sky. Another day to feel alive, another day to feel numb and rethink his life decisions.

Scaramouche walk in the library again, but with cups of latte this time. Taking his usual seat near the windowsill, the most aesthetic place to be, just like the Pinterest nerd boys pictures. He slowly put his things off to the table, taking his black jacket off, hanging them on the chair just like how he always does. He kept his eyes wide open to the cultural art revolution textbook, but the truth, he is only eyeing on the prize, the mysterious purple hair girl who always pilling a tons of books around her table.

Another man came to her place, a blonde who looks like a prince, with a tons of books that seems to be related with science and arts. What is his name again? The Chalk Prince? Albedo, isn't? What a weird name if you are asking me, but who am I to judge? Mine is literally Scaramouche, it is literally weirder than Albedo. Maybe if I uses Raiden Kunikuzushi as my name is better, but I don't want to be related to that woman, that's for sure!

"Hey, are you lonely again today, Megistus?", the blonde ask the girl who is sitting in front of him.

"Kreideprinz, how many time did I tell you to stop addressing me as Megistus?", the girl sounds pretty much annoyed, but still had smile plastered all over her face. Is that a blush or am I overthinking?

I sighed by myself and try to eavesdrop their conversation by walking to the nearest bookshelves. They wouldn't take any interest to an art student, that's for sure... Am I right?

"Okay, what if that, you take my last name? Mona Kreideprinz... That's sounds a little bit bizarre, isn't it?", the blonde jokes around the girl which she only reply with an awkward laugh.

"Kreideprinz, stop that. People will misunderstood us!", she gave him a light push with her book. The blonde doesn't seems to be bothered, but the smile on his face made me a little bit pissed. Why am I like this?

"Hehe, it's kinda amusing that the great astrologist Mona Megistus cares about things like this! That's surprisingly... weird? I don't know how to say about it, but since when do you care things about this?", the blonde ask the girl.

"Come on, Kreideprinz. Don't say that, I have to keep a reputation even in the university", the girl proudly claim.

That's adorable, I have to admit, I admire her confidence. It's rare to see a confident girl these days, Lumine Viatrix also one of them. Sometimes, I wondered why I even care about this girl.

"Well, is that so? Then, maybe let's go out sometimes! Just two of us, maybe Klee wanted to join us? Maybe we three can go to the amusement park this Sunday? And maybe go for shopping or to the bookstore to get some astrology book for you?", the blonde suggests and the girl is pouting her mouth, is she thinking or what?

Who is this Kreideprinz guy anyways? And who the hell is Klee in this story? Last week, it was Sucrose from Science Department, and now we have Klee? That's a weird name? Why is everyone have very much bizarre name? Are Megistus going to go out with this guy? I don't know, but I don't like the sound of it, like, at all.

"Oh, maybe? But it is your treat, right?" the girl asks.

Are you serious right now? How the heck did I fell for this girl at the first place? How petty can she be when it comes with money anyways? She have a beautiful features, that's for sure. But I always wonders why I like this girl.

"Of course, I can pay everything that you wanted. I'm the one who ask you on a date, of course I am going to be responsible for everything!", the blonde again smile to her.

Tch, I hate that smile so much. It looks so fake, just like his personality. I bet his real personality doesn't mirror his face at all.

"Great! I'll see you on Sunday then!", a blush appears to the girl face.

The blonde pays his goodbyes and left the library. Scaramouche finally walk back to his seat and poking his latte.

What do he have that I don't though?

Without hesitation, Scaramouche pick up a cup and walk towards the girl. He is secretly nervous inside, but he still managed to compose himself. How? He doesn't know how too.

"Oh, the Art Department guy. What can I help?", the girl smiles.

Do she smile like that to everyone? Is it rude for me to ask?

"Do you smile like that to everyone?", he ask and put the latte on the table.

"What do you mean?"

Well, that's fucked up or something. Did I made her upset? I don't think so, right?

"Nothing, I just noticed that you always alone in the library from last week. Are you a loner or something?", Scaramouche ask her, she just tilted her head, confused.

That's adorable.

"Hey, is that guy your... boyfriend?", Scaramouche ask her and she quickly covering her face.

"No... He is not? Why though? Don't tell me that you like me?"

"I do, that's the problem", Scaramouche just smile to the girl. "Before that, my name is Raiden Kunikuzushi but people around here calls me by Scaramouche. And you?"

The girl hesitates, "Maybe you already know me, but my name is Mona Megistus, Astronomy Department. Nice to meet you"

"Before that, how old are you?"

"I am 22 years old, why though?"

"Great, that's checks out. I am 23 years old, by the way. I am not that old, okay? Do you have a type?"

Mona quickly hit Scaramouche's head with the nearest book. The sudden action made the boy confused.

"You are a weirdo, do you always walk to people and ask this kind of things?", Mona staring at the boy.

"Well, I don't actually. I just want to shoot my shot since you are single. I also don't really understand why I have this feelings so called love to you? Maybe we can work things out, you know?"

"I am so confused... So, you're saying that you want to start a relationship with me?"

"Exactly. It doesn't sound too bad, isn't?"


"Money? I have them. Job? I have them. Education? I will say, I am a very well educated man myself" Scaramouche proudly proclaimed.

"This sounds weird to me..."

"Also, a very stupid fact. You look really adorable when you focusing on your study" Scaramouche smiles wide. "But I must say, I am a shitty person"

"You doesn't seems half as bad though. Your type of approach is pretty much weird, yes, but atleast you have manners?"

"You are a bold one, huh? I like that"

"And you are one weird one, Kunikuzushi...", Mona left a laugh from her mouth.

"That's adorable... Okay, see you around, sweetheart. I hope we can get to know each other more. Wanna meet next Monday? My treat?"

"Sure, a new friend wouldn't hurt a fly..."

"Oh, sweetheart, I am not a fly..." Scaramouche walks out the room with his things on his hand, leaving the girl alone at her seat.

"That's an oddball, he wouldn't change my life much..."

-to be continued....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2023 ⏰

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