The beginning

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Yawning as I check the time.. it's 6 am. I don't wanna be awake. Pulling my covers over my head only to have them torn off 5 seconds later by my sister Liza.

"C'mon Roman. Up" liza said.
"Go away you annoying puppy dog" I said. It's a nickname I gave Liza when we where little.
"Oh funny. Up now." I reluctantly get up and get my teeth brushed, washing my face before getting dressed for school. Walking down stairs to the kitchen and sits at the kitchen bar and waited for mum to hand me my breakfast because I knew she was cooking if Liza woke me up.
"Morning Mum" yawning a little, rubbing my eyes. My mum is a slender but built lady, she's a strong beta. Yes my family are all werewolves. But me? No, when my 16th birthday hit and I didn't shift, my parents knew I wasn't a wolf which they didn't mind cuz I was at least able to have a normal life. I'm still treated with a lot of respect by the pack, they don't treat me with any disrespect. They let me train with them which is fun and I've surprised them all with hoe fast I am and how strong I am. I think we've all put it down to the fact that even though I'm not a werewolf I still have strength, smell and speed of a wolf.

"Rome? You ok hunny?" I look up at mum, seeing she put a plate of pancakes in front of me
"Sorry mum caught up in my own thoughts. Thank you for breakfast. I'm guessing dad and the triplets are on patrol?" I started to stuff my face with food
"Yeah they should be back in a few minutes" she said kissing my head softly, making me close my eyes breathing in her scent enjoying it. But the moment was ruined as the front door was flung open by my other brother Tristan who's clearly mood as dad and the copy and pasted versions of him Francis and Hamish follow him in.

"Morning Romeo" Tristan always calls me Romeo which doesn't bother me as I know he's not meaning it in a mean way but he LOVES messing my hair up
"Morning grouchy pants, how are you this morning? Clearly in a bad mood. Did you not get any last night?" I replied smirking. I like winding him up cuz he's so easy to mess with
"Piss off gay boy" I hear Francis and Hamish laugh at our playful little banter
"Aw don't bring my sexuality into this. Being gay as nothing to do with the fact that your in a bad mood." I shoved some more pancakes into my mouth, as I feel Hamish and Francis hug me
"Hey you two, have you been bullying him?"
"No we didn't. For the first time it was dad being dad" Hamish replied which made me laugh, I look over to see my built like a brick house dad embracing my mum. I have to admit I'm jealous that I'm not a wolf too, but at the same time I've heard it's a pain in the butt. I continued to eat as the triplets argue and Liza sit on the couch watching tv.

2 hours later (8:45 am)

I must have spaced out cuz the first thing I hear as I'm in the classroom is my teacher saying
"Today class I would like you too welcome our newest student. Christian" I heard a silky smooth voice ring through the classroom
"Hi, call me Cross. Don't ever call me Christian. I moved here from New Zealand with my dads and sisters" I looked over to see a tall, tanned, dark hair, red eyed guy stood at the front of the classroom.
"Are you a vampire?" I heard someone ask. Our school is a supernatural one so this isn't an abnormal question
"No I'm not. I just weirdly enough have red eyes. I'm a werewolf, like the rest of my family" Cross replied
"Are you single?" A girl asked, I just put my earphones in not really interested in hearing anymore, cuz if I get my hopes up. I'll just be heartbroken. Closing my eyes listening to my pop punk playlist softly humming, I could tell the classroom was abuzz with chatter before feeling something hit the table next to me, opening my eyes to see Cross's bag on the desk and him sitting next to me.

"Cross" he said
"I know, I was listening" I replied with my music blasting through my earphones still and I knew Cross could hear it
"Surprised you can with that so loud. Plus you don't smell like a wolf" Cross said, at this point I'm on offended or surprised when someone points out I'm not a wolf. I use to it.
"I'm Roman. An I'm not. Rest of my pack is"
"So why not go to a human school? I'm just curious" he asked
"Cuz humans are boring and I don't need the extra hassle of making new friends." I replied
"What friends do you have Romeo?" I sighed hearing the one voice I didn't wanna hear, Darren
"First of all its ROMAN. Don't act like you don't know it dumb dog. Also I have friends. I don't need to justify shit to you, so I suggest backing off you Alpha wanna-be. Go bury your dick in some girl so she can get rid of that pent up aggression... wait you have to have a dick to do that. And I'm pretty sure my sister ripped yours off when she got you cheating" I say all with a smile on my face.. I know I shouldn't react to him but he just boils my blood and I wasn't to rip his dumb face off
"Who you calling a dumb dog?" Darren asked clearly angry
"I'm surprised your more angered by that then the fact I called you a dickless cheater" I watched Cross out the corner of my eye as he sits astonished by the fact I a human is squaring up to a werewolf.
"Now go away. I'm sure the teachers had enough of you already. And you know I can beat you in a fight. Wolf or not I'm stronger than you" I say sitting back grabbing my book and pen out before starting to write down stuff that the teacher had already written up on the board at the beginning of the day. I felt Darren's murderous aura all throughout class but he stayed away.
"Your a brave one. Sure you aren't a werewolf or maybe a vamp?" I heard Cross ask quietly
"Wolfless. " I say in a short and sweet manor not even looking at Cross
"To be fair one of my mum's dads is a vampire so I could possibly be one. I don't know" yawning
"What's with the red eyes, kinda strange for a werewolf" I asked genuinely curious
"A genetic mutation apparently." We stopped talking after that. The rest of the class was silent between us until the bell went.
I grabbed my stuff, walking out and past everyone heading to my next class, I heard all the girls suddenly start chatting to Cross. 
I texted my family chat

'Theres a new wolf in our territory.'

Grumpy pants (Tristan)
'Name, age, rank?'

'Name, Christian. Age 17 and rank. From what I can tell. Alpha or Beta. He seems like a nice guy. Didn't get a bad vibe from him and he was curious to why a human is at a supernatural school'

'What did you tell the nosy dude?'

'Told him wolfless, family is full of wolves. Asked if I could possibly be a vampire cuz I have a habit of standing up for myself against Darren. I said grandpa Wes is a vampire so maybe. Didn't say grandpas names. Just said one of mums dads is a vamp'

Mumma bear
'Good boy. Thanks for letting us know. Recently the Scarlet wolves have moved closer to us. So that I believe is the family that Christian belongs to'

I put my phone away after mum replied, sighing as I put my earphones in again playing my music trying to get over the smell of Cross, hoping Jolene is in this class. Jolene is a half vampire half witch. She's so sweet and she's my best friend.
"Romeo" I looked up to see Jolene sit here ass next to me. Jolene is a slightly chubby girl, with auburn hair with blue eyes and she's dark in colour
"JoJo" I replied smiling
"Se the new guy and ran?" She asked smirking. She knows I'm gay. Everyone knows I am well everyone but Cross
"Meet him and he sits next to me in Homeroom and English. He's cute" I replied as I saw him walk into class with Destinee hanging off him, her chatting his ear off. Destinee isn't all that bad but she has a habit of rubbing things in your face. She's not from my pack but she's actually a vampire princess and she's related to me. She doesn't bully me but in fact she tries very kindly and hard to find someone for everyone. She's like the schools matchmaker. To be fair I can see why she is liked by everyone, vampires are attractive, beautiful creatures that live for years. Destinee is a 5'8 slim, pale beauty with jet black hair and blood red eyes and she wears cute animal shirts and cargo pants. She's not a girly girl at all. And she doesn't rub her status in your face. That's why I like her.

Lunch break (12-1:30)

I sat in the corner of the cafeteria, waiting for Jolene to meet up with me as we had different classes at 3rd form. People watching as I wait, putting my earphones in as I heard Darren make his presence known in the cafeteria. I hate Darren so much, I saw Liza walk over to me and sit down with her earphones also in. I smiled at her as I saw Darren smirk in our direction
"Great. Mutt patrol is here" I muttered, before feeling Darren grabbing my shirt, dragging my outside as everyone in the cafeteria watches
"I'm so kicking your ass today for that remark. Just cuz your boyfriend in now here you can't start being smart to me" he says throwing me to the ground before backing up and starts circling me snarling and growling at me. I got up slowly, not once taking my eyes off Darren taking a deep breath remembering all the training I do with the pack.

"Cross isn't my boyfriend. And your going to regret this Darren. Just quit now. We both know what will happen an-" before I could finish my sentence he lunged at me, but I moved out the way quickly
"I don't want to fight you" I continues to dodge and sidestep all his attacks
"Too bad. You need to learn to not insult me!" Darren yelled clawing at me, he managed to scratch me, ripping my shirt and cutting my chest making me hiss in pain. Causing him to smirk, I saw a bunch of people walking out the cafeteria to watch our fight, I decided to rip the leftovers of my shirt off my body, as my chest SLOWLY healed cracking my neck and knuckles
"Ok time to get serious" I say looking at Darren

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2023 ⏰

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