Chapter 1

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Eve's Point Of View:

"... And in the end of day, we'll all be happy and in love." Well that's bullshit. I'm getting tired of seeing all those humans smiling and laughing, knowing I'll never be like them.

And why not? That's a really long story, which I actually don't like to tell anyone. They all wonder how I become like this, ruined and fucked up girl, who has a really cold heart and smokes cigarettes. There's only two people who knows the truth, me and him. Who is he? That's a thing you'll never know.

"Eve! Downstairs NOW!" My mom, Samantha screams. She's kinda annoying because she tries always help me, and I don't want any help from anyone. This is my war, which I have already losed.

I groaned and walked slowly down the stairs. I had black ripped jeans and black shirt on. My super dark brown hair was messy af. "We need to talk.." Mom said when I arrived to living room, where she was sitting on couch. This is not gonna be anything good... But guess what? Nothing's good anymore, so I don't give a fuck.

I gave mom a look what told her to continue. "Me and your dad have been thinking... This place is not good for you. I don't know what happened to you, because you don't talk, but I just want to help you..." Yeah, sure you do... In reality all she cares about is herself. She just wants me away from her life.

"'ll move to Finland into your aunt's house." Mom finished. "WHAT?!?" I screamed shocked. I felt my eyes watering. She cant do that to me... I cant move to Finland... I just cant... "I'm sorry honey, but this is for your own good." Mom said and touched my shoulder, but I ripped her hand off.

"Don't touch me! You just want me away from here... I know that no one cares about me but still, I just wish even you could understand. I can't move to Finland. Please, don't do this to me..." I begged almost crying.

Mom sighed and rubbed her face. "You should go packing... You'll leave tomorrow evening." She said looking into my green eyes.


"So what do you think? I mean about this town and Finland?" Rosa, my aunt asked. I looked out from car's window. All I saw was houses, people, trees, more people with dogs, a park, and more houses. "Um.. I don't even know what this town is called..." I said with kinda shy voice.

This is my first time when I meet Rosa, so what do you expect? You think I would open up to her about everything? Well hell no! I'm judged to live in pain so guess I just need to deal with that.

"Oh yeah of course it's called Kauniainen, it's probably hard to spell for you hahah." Rosa said and laughed a bit. I looked out from window again. My old hometown was way nicer than this... But guess living in here is just one more thing I need to deal with.

"This is your new school. I think you'll get some friends from there tomorrow, when school starts." Rosa said and fast looked at me. I sighed and shaked my head a bit. "I don't think so..." I almost whispered.

"Why do you think so? You don't like getting new friends or? Trust me, here lives pretty great people and they will like you!" Rosa said happily. I felt blood boiling faster in my body.
"Maybe I don't want any friends! All I do want is get the hell away from here and go back to my old life!" I yelled pretty loud. Enough loud that Rosa went all silent...

I may have been too harsh, but I'm just so sick of people who thinks all positive and has no problems in their lifes. God do I hate my life and myself!

"We're here..." Rosa said carefully and stepped out of the car. I looked right in front of me, the house was white, kinda big I think, if I would believe in beautiness and dreams, this would be my hella beautiful dream-house. "Like it, huh?" Aunt Rosa laughed and took my bags. I didnt pack much stuff, because I'm not really interest of clothes ect. Makeup I use, but I only line my eyes, use mascara and some foundation. My skin is pretty good I think.


"When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears, when you screamed I'd fight away all of your fears. And I'd held your hand through all of these years, but you still have all of me..." The music blasted into my ears, while I was walking on the street.

It was really dark, but I like darkness. The half-moon was shining and stars were showing. My hands were freezing, because I didnt have any gloves. I putted my cigarette into mouth, and then out while blowing the smoke out.

Right in that moment I saw a human's shadow walking to me. Who was he/she? That you will find out in next chapter...

So yea as you can probably see, my writingstyle has changed a little bit... This story is gonna be kinda different and I will most write only this. But yea, I will continue the others too sometimes. But please, I beg you to tell me your opinion about this chapter and was this too short ect. And oh, Isac will come soon😉. Thank you for reading and hope you'll have a great Sunday! xoxo, love ya💓

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